

    Simultaneous Determination of 71 Volatile and Semi-Volatile Organic Compounds in Complex Environment Air by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry with Thermal Desorption

    • 摘要: 提出了热脱附-气相色谱-质谱法同时测定复杂环境空气中71种挥发性/半挥发性有机物含量的方法。样品通过Tenax吸附管采集,采样时间30 min,流量0.2 L·min-1,在VF-5 ms色谱柱上按照柱升温程序分离,质谱分析采用全扫描(SCAN)模式,外标法定量。结果表明,71种挥发性/半挥发性有机物的质量在10~1 000 ng内与对应的响应强度呈线性关系,检出限为0.1~0.9 μg·m-3。按照标准加入法进行回收试验,回收率为90.9%~111%,测定值的相对标准偏差(n=6)均小于8.0%。方法用于实际样品分析,共检出卤代烃、直链烷烃、支链烷烃、环烷烃、醛酮类、芳香族化合物等30种目标化合物,检出量为0.1~347.8 μg·m-3


      Abstract: A method for simultaneous determination of 71 volatile and semi-volatile organic compounds in complex environment air by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry with thermal desorption was proposed.The sample was collected through a Tenax adsorption tube for 30 min of the sampling time at a flow rate of 0.2 L·min-1. 71 volatile and semi-volatile organic compounds were separated on VF-5 ms column according to the column heating program, and SCAN mode was adopted in mass spectrometry analysis. The external standard method was used for quantification. As shown by the results, linear relationships between values of the corresponding response intensity and mass of 71 volatile and semi-volatile organic compounds were kept in the range of 10-1 000 ng, with detection limits in the range of 0.1-0.9 μg·m-3. Test for recovery was made by the standard addition method, giving results in the range of 90.9%-111%, with RSDs (n=6) of the determined values less than 8.0%. This method was used to analysis of the actual sample, 30 target compounds, including halogenated hydrocarbons, straight chain alkanes, branched alkanes, cycloalkanes, aldehydes and ketones, and aromatic compounds, were detected, with detection amounts in the range of 0.1-347.8 μg·m-3.


