Determination of Amount of Simulated Migration of NNitrosamines from Condoms by GCMS with HSSPME
Graphical Abstract
GCMS with HSSPME was applied to the determination of 8 nitrosamines migrated from samples of condoms under simulated migration medium. Simulated vagina secretory juice (SVSJ) of pH 4.5 was prepared. Sample of condoms cut into pieces (2 g) was placed into a HS flask containing 10 mL of the SVSJ and stirred for (10±0.5) min at (40±2) ℃. CAR/PDMS microextractor was used and SPME was carried out at 45 ℃ for 60 min. The microextractor was then removed out and introduced into the sample inlet of the chromatograph for desorption of the analytes and for GCMS analysis. Values of detection limit (3S/N) of the 8 nitrosamines were found in the range of 0.03-0.70 μg·kg-1. Eight samples of condoms were analysed by the proposed method. Nnitrosodimethylamine (NDMA), Nnitrosodiethylamine (NDEA) and Nnitrosodibutylamine (NDBA) were detected. Total amounts of migration of nitrosamines were ranged from 9.89 to 823.41 μg·kg-1.