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    Application of Biphenyl-Molecularly Imprinted Polymers in GC Determination of Biphenyl and 3,3-Dichlorobiphenyl
    SHI Ting-ting, SI Xiong-yuan, TAN Hua-rong, SI You-bin, LIU Wei
    2016, 52(8): 869-873. DOI: 10.11973/lhjy-hx201608001
    Abstract PDF
    Evaluation of Aging Effect on Gardenia Dyeing Silk Fabric under Different Environmental Factors by Diffuse Reflectance Spectroscopy
    FANG Nan-nan, LUO Xi-yun, DU Yi-ping
    2016, 52(8): 874-878. DOI: 10.11973/lhjy-hx201608002
    Abstract PDF
    Determination of Hydroxyproline in Urine by Capillary Electrophoresis with Pre-Column Derivatization
    FENG Gang, WEN Qun-ying, WANG Hong-hai
    2016, 52(8): 879-883. DOI: 10.11973/lhjy-hx201608003
    Abstract PDF
    Rapid Determination of Components of Imported Natural Gas by GC with Seven Columns and Five Valves
    ZHANG Ai-ping, LU Cai-xia, WANG Hong-wei, LI Jian-jun, ZHAO Xiu-juan, XIONG Wei, JIANG Tao, HOU Jin, FAN Cong-guang
    2016, 52(8): 884-888. DOI: 10.11973/lhjy-hx201608004
    Abstract PDF
    Qualitative Identification of Triazolopyrimidine Sulfonamide-Herbicides
    DI Shi-cong, QIANG Yin, CHEN Qing, XU Chun-chun, LIN Miao
    2016, 52(8): 889-893. DOI: 10.11973/lhjy-hx201608005
    Abstract PDF
    GC-MS Determination of Volatile Components in Tobaccos from Different Growing Areas with MAE-HS-SPME
    YANG Yan-qin, YUAN Kai-long, CHU Guo-hai, ZHOU Guo-jun, JIANG Jian, CHENG Chang-he, SONG Zhi-yu, LI Zu-guang, PAN Yuan-jiang
    2016, 52(8): 894-900. DOI: 10.11973/lhjy-hx201608006
    Abstract PDF
    IC Determination of Nitrite and Nitrate in Milk Powder with Sampling by Membrane-Dialysis
    HU Rong, LI Xiao-cui, LU Xiao-hua, KAN Ying, GUO Jing
    2016, 52(8): 901-905. DOI: 10.11973/lhjy-hx201608007
    Abstract PDF
    GC Determination of Methyl Tertiary Butyl Ether in Industrial Waste Gases
    WANG Jie, XIE Hong-yong, LI Jing-jiu, SUN Zhi-guo, CHEN Wei-dong, LI Qiang
    2016, 52(8): 906-908. DOI: 10.11973/lhjy-hx201608008
    Abstract PDF
    UHPLC-MS/MS Determination of Ganoderic Acid A and Ganoderic Acid B in Ganoderma Lucidum Black Tea
    LIU Liang-qin, GONG Xiao-jian, ZHOU Xin, CHEN Hua-guo, ZHAO Chao
    2016, 52(8): 909-913. DOI: 10.11973/lhjy-hx201608009
    Abstract PDF
    GC Determination of 12 Volatile Organic Compounds from the Surface Coating of Automobiles
    LIU Kun, ZOU Jia-su, WAN Wei, XIONG Rui
    2016, 52(8): 914-917. DOI: 10.11973/lhjy-hx201608010
    Abstract PDF
    SPE-LC Determination of Residual Amounts of Osthol in Tobaccos
    YU Lei, WANG Xing-ning, ZHU Ming, LIU Yan
    2016, 52(8): 918-921. DOI: 10.11973/lhjy-hx201608011
    Abstract PDF
    AFS Determination of Trace Amount of Hg in Lead-Zinc Ore by Response Camber Optimization
    MENG Shi-xian, YANG Yuan, ZOU Yang, LUO You, DENG Fei-yue, ZHOU Yuan-yuan
    2016, 52(8): 922-927. DOI: 10.11973/lhjy-hx201608012
    Abstract PDF
    Comparison Study on Methods for Pretreatment of Sample in HPLC Determination of Vitamin E in Vegetable Oil
    CHEN Yan-wu, WU Jia-wen
    2016, 52(8): 928-931. DOI: 10.11973/lhjy-hx201608013
    Abstract PDF
    Study on the Preparation and Adsorption Property of Magnetic Graphene Oxide Nonylphenol Molecularly Imprinted Polymer
    SU Li-qiang, LIU Wen-hui, BAI Jin-feng
    2016, 52(8): 932-936. DOI: 10.11973/lhjy-hx201608014
    Abstract PDF
    ICP-AES Determination of Trace Amount of Iron in Binded Ternary Cathode Material for Lithium Ion Battery
    ZHOU Qiang, LIANG Ting-ting, NIAN Ji-qiang, ZHU Chun-yao
    2016, 52(8): 937-940. DOI: 10.11973/lhjy-hx201608015
    Abstract PDF
    Determination of Acrylamide Residue in Cosmetics by UHPLC-MS/MS
    FENG An-hong, XING Yuan-na, YE Lin-quan, LIN Zhi-hui, ZHAO Yan, CHEN Ze-yong
    2016, 52(8): 941-946. DOI: 10.11973/lhjy-hx201608016
    Abstract PDF
    Progress of Researches on Methods for Determination of Malondialdehyde in Biological Samples
    ZHANG Qiu-ping, WU Xia-hong, ZHENG Jian-heng, SUN Meng-wei
    2016, 52(8): 979-985. DOI: 10.11973/lhjy-hx201608026
    Abstract PDF
    Preparation of Carbon Dots and Its Application to Fluorescence Analysis
    GUO Ying, LI Wu-wu, LIU Yang, YANG Lian-li
    2016, 52(8): 986-992. DOI: 10.11973/lhjy-hx201608027
    Abstract PDF