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    Determination of Benzo[a]pyrene in Tobacco Flavour and Liquid Stuff by On-line 2-Dimensional Liquid-Gas Chromatography in Hyphenation with Mass Spectrometry
    YE Ling, XIONG Wen, ZHANG Cheng-ming, FAN Duo-qing, RUI Xiao-dong, MIAO Ming-ming, LIU Zhi-hua, YANG Guang-yu, QIN Yun-hua
    2017, 53(1): 1-5. DOI: 10.11973/lhjy-hx201701001
    Abstract PDF
    Study on the Interaction Between 2'-OH-BDE-68 and HAS by Molecular Fluorospectrometry and Molecular Dynamics Simulation
    LI Zhi-juan, WEI Ming-feng, WEI Yong, WU Zhi-wei, YI Zhong-sheng
    2017, 53(1): 6-11. DOI: 10.11973/lhjy-hx201701002
    Abstract PDF
    Simultaneous RP-HPLC Determination of 4 Characteristic Acids of Phenylketonuria in Newborn Urine
    JIN Chen, YAN Li-ping, HUANG Xiao-ya, HUANG Zhong-ping, WANG Li-li, PAN Zai-fa
    2017, 53(1): 12-16. DOI: 10.11973/lhjy-hx201701003
    Abstract PDF
    Simultaneous Determination of Cr(Ⅲ) and Cr(Ⅵ) in Cigarette Tipping Paper by HPLC-ICP-MS
    GU Jun-ping, SHI Wen-zhuang, LIU Yin, HU Jing
    2017, 53(1): 17-21. DOI: 10.11973/lhjy-hx201701004
    Abstract PDF
    Analysis and Classification of Blue Ink Used in Ball Pens by GC-MS and TLC
    NIU Fan, HUANG Jian-tong, HE Sen, LU Tian
    2017, 53(1): 22-27. DOI: 10.11973/lhjy-hx201701005
    Abstract PDF
    Inspection of Composition of Thin Film of CdS by XPS and Depth Profiling
    CHEN Jing-yun, LONG Yin-hua, ZUO Ning, MA Lin-ge, GUO Kai
    2017, 53(1): 28-33. DOI: 10.11973/lhjy-hx201701006
    Abstract PDF
    Simultaneous Determination of 14 Elements in Antimony Ores by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry
    YAN Hui, WANG Gan-zhen, TANG Xing, GUO La-mei, YI Xiao-ming
    2017, 53(1): 34-38. DOI: 10.11973/lhjy-hx201701007
    Abstract PDF
    Study on the Law of Fragmentation of 4 Azine Herbicides by GC-MS with EI Ion Source
    LIU Lei, WANG Yi, LIU Ya-jun
    2017, 53(1): 39-43. DOI: 10.11973/lhjy-hx201701008
    Abstract PDF
    SPE-UHPLC-MS/MS Determination of 13 Forbidden Male-genito-function-Strengthening Drugs in Traditional Chinese Medicines and Health-care Food
    XIAN Rui-qing, SHI Feng, MU Wei-wei, WANG Xiao-bing, LI Qi-yan
    2017, 53(1): 44-49. DOI: 10.11973/lhjy-hx201701009
    Abstract PDF
    HPLC Determination of Antioxidant 2246 in Polystyrene Foamed Plastics
    WANG Le, WANG Fei, CHEN Xi, ZHANG Ai-xia, ZHENG Xin-hua, TAO Lin
    2017, 53(1): 50-54. DOI: 10.11973/lhjy-hx201701010
    Abstract PDF
    GC Determination of 7 Benzene Homologues in Water with Separation by Dispersive Liquid-liquid Microextraction
    DU Xiao-di, LI Ling, GUO Li-ping, LEI Jia-heng
    2017, 53(1): 55-59. DOI: 10.11973/lhjy-hx201701011
    Abstract PDF
    MWCNTS/BTB Modified Glassy Carbon Electrode Determination of Adenine in Cordyceps Sinensis
    FENG Yu-ting, SHEN Gui-jun, HUANG Hui-juan
    2017, 53(1): 60-63. DOI: 10.11973/lhjy-hx201701012
    Abstract PDF
    Simultaneous Determination of Se and Te in Copper Concentrate by HG-AFS
    LI Xiang, WANG Xue-feng, WANG Kui, ZHANG Ni, LI Hao, MA Yi-gang
    2017, 53(1): 64-67. DOI: 10.11973/lhjy-hx201701013
    Abstract PDF
    Improvement on Determination of Sulfide in Waste Water by Iodometry
    ZENG Wen-chao, SHAO Yong, AN Li-chao, LIU Guang-dong
    2017, 53(1): 68-72. DOI: 10.11973/lhjy-hx201701014
    Abstract PDF
    New Progress of Time-Resolved Fluoroimmunoassay
    XIN Tian-tian, GUO Song-lin, WANG Yi-lei, FENG Jian-jun, LIN Peng
    2017, 53(1): 112-118. DOI: 10.11973/lhjy-hx201701026
    Abstract PDF
    Recent Progress of Methods for Inspection of Atrazine in Environmental Samples
    ZHANG Xiao-jun, MA Xiao-guo, PENG Jun-biao, SHU Wei-heng, WANG Rui
    2017, 53(1): 119-124. DOI: 10.11973/lhjy-hx201701027
    Abstract PDF