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    On-Line Preconcentration of Rare-Earth Elements in Astragalus Membranaceus with Ion-Exchange Micro-Column and Their Determination by Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometry
    LIU Jin-xia, FU Yu, WANG Yan-fen, FU Hui-min, HUANG Zhi-rong
    2007, 43(6): 436-439.
    Abstract PDF
    Polarographic Determination of Traces of Molybclenum(Ⅵ) by the Adsorptive Wave of the Complex of Mo(Ⅵ) with Alizarin
    YING Rong-jian
    2007, 43(6): 440-442.
    Abstract PDF
    Preparation of a Novel Modified Electrode and Its Application to the Determination of p-Benzenediol with High Selectivity
    YANG Ping-hua, QIAO Bo, CHEN Xiao-yan, TAO Chun-yuan, CHEN Fu-shan
    2007, 43(6): 443-446.
    Abstract PDF
    Extraction of Phoxim in Welsh Onion Under Low Temperature and Its Determination by Gas Chromatography
    WANG Lian-zhu, HU Chao-yang, ZHENG Jun-chao, YOU Jun, WANG Rui-long, LIU Yi-na
    2007, 43(6): 447-449.
    Abstract PDF
    Analysis of Blast Furnace Slag with the Polarized Energy Dispersion X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometer
    GE Lan, ZHEN Hong-xiang, XU Zeng-qin
    2007, 43(6): 450-451.
    Abstract PDF
    Voltammetric Behavior of Phoxim at the Glassy Carbon Electrode and Its Application
    LIU Yong-ming, LI Gui-zhi, LI Gai-zhi, WANG Zhi
    2007, 43(6): 452-453.
    Abstract PDF
    HPLC Determination of Solanesol in Waste of Solanaceae Plants
    GAO Min, YANG Lei, ZU Yuan-gang
    2007, 43(6): 454-456.
    Abstract PDF
    ICP-MS Determination of 24 Non-Rare Earth Elements Present as Impurities in High-Purity Rare-Earth Sample
    LIU Jing-lei, LI Xiang, LIU Yong-lin, LIN Ping, YI Yong, SU Ya-qin, ZHANG Xin-quan
    2007, 43(6): 457-459.
    Abstract PDF
    Mechanism of Addition Reaction of DNA with Acridine Orange and Its Application to the Determination of Micro-Amounts of DNA
    SI Wen-hui
    2007, 43(6): 460-462.
    Abstract PDF
    Rapid Determination of Flavonoid in Saururus Chinesis (Lour) Baill by High Performance Liquid Chromatography
    PENG Yong-fang, MA Yin-hai, GUO Ya-dong, YANG Guang-yu, YIN Jia-yuan
    2007, 43(6): 463-464.
    Abstract PDF
    Simultaneous Determination of Ca Cu Fe K Mg Mn Na Zn and P in the Milk Powder by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry
    ZHANG Lin, ZHAO Shou-chuang, WANG Chang-zhao, ZHANG Xin-zhi
    2007, 43(6): 465-467.
    Abstract PDF
    Electrochemical Determination of Catechol with Nano-gold Modified Glassy Carbon Electrode
    ZHANG Ying, YUAN Ruo, CHAN Ya-qin, FU Ying-zi, ZHUO Ying, LI Xue-lian, ZHU Qiang, WANG Na
    2007, 43(6): 468-471.
    Abstract PDF
    Separation of Taxol and Cephalomannine by Thin Layer Chromatography
    DONG Hui-ru, LUO Li-na, ZHENG Yun, ZHAO Jing-cheng
    2007, 43(6): 472-475.
    Abstract PDF
    Solvent-Floatation-Indirect Photometric Determination of Ascorbic Acid
    CHENG Hui-li, Lv PENG-Fei, YAN Yong-sheng
    2007, 43(6): 476-478.
    Abstract PDF
    Voltammetric Determination of Camptothecin by Its Reaction with β-Cyclodextrin
    DONG She-ying, HUANG Ting-lin, FAN Jun-min, MA Cai-lian
    2007, 43(6): 479-481.
    Abstract PDF
    High Performance Liquid Chromatographic Determination of 11 Steroidal Hormones in Meat and Milk with Enzyme Hydrolysis of Sample
    WANG Lian, YANG Yuan, WANG Lin
    2007, 43(6): 482-484.
    Abstract PDF
    GF-AAS Determination of Traces of Lead in Vegetables with Micro-Wave Assisted Sample Digestion
    XU Wen-jun
    2007, 43(6): 485-487.
    Abstract PDF
    Real-Time Monitoring of Dissolution of Compound Chlorzoxazone Tablets by Optic Fiber-Chemical Sensor-Drug Dissolution Monitor
    WU Jun, LI Jian-guang, YANG Mei, LI Xin-xia, CHEN Jian
    2007, 43(6): 488-490.
    Abstract PDF
    ICP-AES Determination of Lead,Cadmium,Chromium and Mercury in Lead-Tin Solder Alloy
    , , , , , , , , ,
    2007, 43(6): 491-494.
    Abstract PDF
    Photometric Determination of Hydroxyl Free Radical by Its Reaction with Methylene Blue
    WANG Jin-gang, WANG Xi-kui, GUO Wei-lin, GUO Pei-quan, GU Zhong-mao
    2007, 43(6): 495-497.
    Abstract PDF
    FI-Chemiluminescence Determination of Nitrite in Tea and Vegetables
    WANG Xue-feng, SHI Xuan, PI Yun-qing
    2007, 43(6): 498-500.
    Abstract PDF
    Advances of Application of Affinity Chromatography to Research on Protein
    WANG Li, LIU Dao-jie, LI Lian-zhi
    2007, 43(6): 515-517.
    Abstract PDF
    Progress of Methods for the Determination of Plant Saponins
    SHI Xue-ping, YAO Hui-yuan
    2007, 43(6): 518-522.
    Abstract PDF