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    Voltammetric Determination of Dopamine and Uric Acid with Poly 2,6-diamino-4,5,6,7-tetrahydrobenzothiazole Modified Glassy Carbon Electrode
    ZHANG Ying, ZHANG Lei
    2014, 50(7): 797-804.
    Abstract PDF
    ICP-AES Determination of Chromium(Ⅵ) in Gelatin Capsules with In-Line Ion-Exchange Enrichment
    LI Dan, YU Xiao-feng, SHOU Miao-jun, YE Hua-jun, HAN Shuang-lai
    2014, 50(7): 805-808.
    Abstract PDF
    Simultaneous HPLC-MS/MS Determination of 35 Veterinary Drugs in Animal Derived Food
    CHEN Gang, DENG Xiao-jun, SUN Jin-lan, LI Jian-zhong, CHEN Shun-sheng, SONG Qing, ZHAO Shan-zhen
    2014, 50(7): 809-814.
    Abstract PDF
    Determination of Trace Amount of Nickel with a Fluorescence “Switching” Probe Based on Enhancement of Fluorescence of Phloxine by β-Cyclodextrin
    TAO Hui-lin, XU Ming-ze, LIU Shuai-tao, LI Shu-huai, LIAO Xiu-fen, YI Zhong-sheng, ZHANG Qing-jun
    2014, 50(7): 815-818.
    Abstract PDF
    GC-MS Determination of 18 Phthalates in Urine with Separation by Solid-Phase Extraction
    RUAN Hua, RONG Wei-guang, SONG Ning-hui, MA Yong-jian, JI Wen-liang, LIU Hua-liang
    2014, 50(7): 819-823.
    Abstract PDF
    ICP-AES Determination of 12 Heavy Metal Elements Migrated from Stainless Steel Food Container
    LIU Jie, RUI Qi, MA Chong-xian, HUANG Shen-hua
    2014, 50(7): 824-827.
    Abstract PDF
    A FI-Electrochemoanalytical System and Its Application to In-Situ Supervising Analysis in the Process of Preparation of Calcium Citrate by Cation Exchange
    LIU Kang, LI Yong-sheng, WANG Yue-jiao, DU Xin
    2014, 50(7): 828-832.
    Abstract PDF
    HG-AFS Determination of Lead and Mercury in Soil and Biological Samples with Microwave Assisted Sample Digestion
    HUANG Bi-jie, ZHU Lin, LIU Xin-yong, ZHANG Yang
    2014, 50(7): 833-836.
    Abstract PDF
    GC-MS Determination of Volatile Oil in Round Cardamom with Microwave Assisted Extraction Using Non-polar Solvent
    WANG Fang, NIE Jing, LI Zu-guang, PANG Wen-fei, MENG Wei-wei
    2014, 50(7): 837-841.
    Abstract PDF
    ICP-AES Determination of 8 Impurity Elements in Nitrided Ferrovanadium
    GAO Shu-feng, ZHANG Hai-yan, ZHANG Yu-ping, LI Yan-hui, WU Ting, LIU Jing
    2014, 50(7): 842-844.
    Abstract PDF
    Determination of Total Mercury in Soil Using the Automatic Mercury Analytical System
    DAI Li-hong, LIU Xiao-wei, LIU Yan, WANG Di, CHEN Chun
    2014, 50(7): 845-848.
    Abstract PDF
    Spectrophotometric Determination of Spectinomycin with Bromocresol Green as Probe
    PANG Xiang-dong, DU Shao-min, JIANG Hong
    2014, 50(7): 849-851.
    Abstract PDF
    HS-GC-MS Determination of Residual Amounts of 14 Volatile Organic Compounds in Cosmetics
    LI Run-yan, FAN Bin, CAI Li-peng, ZHANG Yan
    2014, 50(7): 852-856.
    Abstract PDF
    Catalytic Kinetic Fluorophotometric Determination of Chromium(Ⅵ)
    LI Yu-hong
    2014, 50(7): 857-859.
    Abstract PDF
    UHPLC-MS/MS Determination of 3 Isomers of Hexabromocylododecane in Materials for Making Toys
    LU Yan, HU Dan, HE Qiao-sang, LIAO Shang-fu
    2014, 50(7): 860-863.
    Abstract PDF
    Axially Viewed ICP-AES Determination of 24 Elements in Natural Textile Fibre
    BAO Qi-bei, YANG Li-sheng, ZHANG Chi, FU Ke-jie, QIAN Dan, FENG Yun
    2014, 50(7): 864-867.
    Abstract PDF
    Direct-Combustion of Sample-IR Spectrometric Determination of Carbon in Electrolytic Manganese
    WANG Jin-li, YUE Hang, ZHAO Yong, WU Tian-cheng
    2014, 50(7): 868-871.
    Abstract PDF
    Rapid Spectrophotometric Determination of Nitrite in Food
    KONG Xiang-wei, TANG Ming-he, ZHUANG Chun-jiao
    2014, 50(7): 872-874.
    Abstract PDF
    ICP-MS Determination of 12 Heavy Metal Elements in Cereals with Microwave Assisted Sample Digestion
    ZHANG Ying, ZENG Dan, CHAI Wei-bo
    2014, 50(7): 875-878.
    Abstract PDF
    HPLC Determination of 8 Heterocyclic Amines in Fish Products with Solid Phase Extraction
    XIAO Wei, ZHANG Yan, WAN Yi-wen, CHEN Xiang-yi
    2014, 50(7): 879-883.
    Abstract PDF
    Spectrophotometric Determination of Pb(Ⅱ) in Fruits with Microwave Assisted Sample Digestion
    ZHOU Fang, ZHAO Xin, YUE Zhong-yan
    2014, 50(7): 884-886.
    Abstract PDF
    Recent Advances of Researches on Determination of Nonionic Surfactants
    CHEN Xue-yan, SONG Bi-tao, ZHANG Yao-yao, WANG Cheng-yin
    2014, 50(7): 916-922.
    Abstract PDF
    Recent Progress of Mechanism of Electrochemical Hydride Generation/Electrochemical Cold Vapor Generation Methods
    JIANG Xian-juan, HAN Su-ping, GAN Wu-er
    2014, 50(7): 923-928.
    Abstract PDF