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    Determination of Carbon Content in Total Solids of Latex and Its Stable Carbon Isotope Ratio (δ13C) by EA and IRMS in Hyphenation
    LUO Xuehua, WANG Wenbin, WU Xiaoping, WANG Dapeng, ZHANG Yongfa, XUE Xingxin, ZHAO Chunmei
    2019, 55(12): 1365-1372. DOI: 10.11973/lhjy-hx201912001
    Abstract PDF
    HPLC Determination of Acrylamide in Fried Food with SPE Using Nano-MnO2 as Adsorbent
    LIU Haixia, DI Jing, RAO Honghong, ZHENG Yanping, JIANG Yongqiang, ZHAO Guohu
    2019, 55(12): 1373-1378. DOI: 10.11973/lhjy-hx201912002
    Abstract PDF
    Mechanism of the Reaction Between Cefaclor and Bovine Hemoglobim by Fluorescence Spectrometry
    ZHANG Yanqing, LIU Baosheng
    2019, 55(12): 1379-1383. DOI: 10.11973/lhjy-hx201912003
    Abstract PDF
    Comparation of the Determination of 5-Hydroxytryptamin and 2 Related Compounds in Mouse Hippocampus by HPLC with Fluorescence Detector and UHPLC-Q-Obitrap-Mass Spectrometry
    WANG Li, ZHU Jun, HUAN Fei, CHENG Jie, WU Qian
    2019, 55(12): 1384-1388. DOI: 10.11973/lhjy-hx201912004
    Abstract PDF
    Analysis and Screening of Volatile Organic Compounds in Solvent-Based Coatings by Thermal Desorption-Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry
    CHEN Hongjun, HU Yanjun, SHI Pengtu, PEI Wenyi
    2019, 55(12): 1389-1395. DOI: 10.11973/lhjy-hx201912005
    Abstract PDF
    HPLC Determination of Aminopyridines Remained as Genetoxic Impurities in 3-Aminopiperidine Dihydrochloride
    DONG Shubo, YANG Hanyue, XU Liang, CHEN Xuemin
    2019, 55(12): 1396-1400. DOI: 10.11973/lhjy-hx201912006
    Abstract PDF
    Fluorimetric Determination of Kanamycin in Injections and Milk Samples by Quenching of Fluorescence of Carbon Quantum Dots by Kanamycin
    MAO Yongqiang, ZHANG Zheshuangjiao, SUN Yixin, LI Na
    2019, 55(12): 1401-1405. DOI: 10.11973/lhjy-hx201912007
    Abstract PDF
    Determination of Mushroom Toxins in Human Blood Plasma by UHPLC in Hypenation with MS/MS in Tandem
    ZHOU Yibing, LI Lei, WU Yutian, LIN Ye, GUO Hua, ZHANG Quan, LIU Wenzheng, LIU Liya
    2019, 55(12): 1406-1411. DOI: 10.11973/lhjy-hx201912008
    Abstract PDF
    Application in the Phase Analysis of Bismuth Ores by Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometry
    MA Haiping, MA Ling, HUANG Qin
    2019, 55(12): 1412-1416. DOI: 10.11973/lhjy-hx201912009
    Abstract PDF
    Simultaneous Determination of Residual Amount of Eleven Plant Growth Regulators in Bean Sprout by QuEChERS-HPLC-MS/MS
    ZHU Yanyan, TANG Lihua, MA Guijuan
    2019, 55(12): 1417-1422. DOI: 10.11973/lhjy-hx201912010
    Abstract PDF
    Determination of Total Phosphorus Content in Soil by H2PO4- Ion Selective Electrode with Hydrophobic Ionic Liquid Sensitive Membrane of [Bmim]PF6
    YANG Kai, QUAN Honghua, GUO Zixian, TIAN Shumei, SHI Jinwei, LI Ming
    2019, 55(12): 1423-1426. DOI: 10.11973/lhjy-hx201912011
    Abstract PDF
    Simultaneous Determination of Four Residual Solvents in Fluorene Derivatives by Headspace-Gas Chromatography
    ZANG Na, WANG Haibo, WANG Haiyang, GU Jinru, GONG Qiuhong, WANG Shoukai
    2019, 55(12): 1427-1430. DOI: 10.11973/lhjy-hx201912012
    Abstract PDF
    Difference of Contents of Trace Elements in Lycium Chinense Grown in Various Areas of Qinghai Province Based on the Determination by ICP-MS with Microwave Digestion of Samples
    LI Li, XUE Bin, WEI Yuhai
    2019, 55(12): 1431-1435. DOI: 10.11973/lhjy-hx201912013
    Abstract PDF
    Determination of 7 Sweeteners in Cigarette Tip Paper by High Performance Liquid Chromatography with Evaporation Light Scattering Detection
    ZHAO Haijuan, ZHANG Wenjie, CHU Wenjuan, LI Wenwei, WANG Hui, ZHANG Junsong
    2019, 55(12): 1436-1441. DOI: 10.11973/lhjy-hx201912014
    Abstract PDF
    Modification of Method for Rapid Determination of 3 Illicit Drugs in Human Urine by GC-MS with Pretreatment by DLLME
    LIU Jin, CAI Hongxin, QIAN Bin, DONG Wenbin, MAO Haifeng, LIANG Chen
    2019, 55(12): 1442-1447. DOI: 10.11973/lhjy-hx201912015
    Abstract PDF
    Recent Advances of Methods for Determination of Chlorine in Geological Samples
    XIA Chuanbo, QIAN Huifen, TIAN Xinglei, ZHAO Wei, JIANG Huaikun, ZHANG Wei
    2019, 55(12): 1466-1475. DOI: 10.11973/lhjy-hx201912021
    Abstract PDF
    Optical Sensor Based on Gold Nanoparticles and Its Application to Food Safety Inspection
    WANG Yan, ZHOU Hualan, SHI Qinyi, LÜ Jiameng
    2019, 55(12): 1476-1482. DOI: 10.11973/lhjy-hx201912022
    Abstract PDF