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    Determination of Trace Amount of Molybdenum(Ⅵ) in Coal Ash by Flow Injection-Electrochemiluminescence
    YANG Ling-juan, LI Xiao-dong, WANG Xiao-feng
    2012, 48(7): 753-755.
    Abstract PDF
    GC Determination of Residual Amount of Methamidophos in Tea with Solid Phase Extraction
    DING Li-ping
    2012, 48(7): 756-759.
    Abstract PDF
    Fluorophotometric Study on the Formation of Inclusion Complex Between Oleanic Acid and β-Cyclodextrin
    WANG Wei, WANG Jing, YANG Cai-qin, SUN Yan, Lv Ya-qi, DONG Li-long
    2012, 48(7): 760-762.
    Abstract PDF
    ICP-AES Determination of Inorganic Carbon in Water Samples with Off-Line CO2-Generation and in situ Re-dissolution
    DUANG Xu-chuan, HUO Ran
    2012, 48(7): 763-765.
    Abstract PDF
    Use of Phosphate Activated Glassy Carbon Electrode in Voltammetric Determination of Epinephrine
    LI Jin-jin, WANG Xue-liang, GUO Xian-hou, YU Zhang-yu
    2012, 48(7): 766-769.
    Abstract PDF
    FAAS Determination of Copper in Aluminum Alloys with Sensitization by Surfactant
    ZHANG Qi-kai, ZHOU Mei-ting, LIU Ruo-xi
    2012, 48(7): 770-772.
    Abstract PDF
    RPHPLC Determination of Raw Materials of Synthetic Polycarboxylic Water Reducing Agent
    MENG Zu-chao, FU Jun-fang, LIU Xiang, ZHANG Hao
    2012, 48(7): 773-776.
    Abstract PDF
    LC-MS Simultaneous Determination of Triptolide and Wilforlide A in Animal Liver Tissue with Accelerated Solvent Extraction and Gel Permeation Chromatography
    XUAN Yu, FU De-feng, SUN Nan, ZHENG Yi-ping, MO Wei-min
    2012, 48(7): 777-780.
    Abstract PDF
    ICP-MS Determination of Trace Amounts of Rare Earth Elements in Monomineralic Rocks of Rutile
    ZHAO Nan-nan, HUANG Hui-ping, LI Yan-ling, CHENG Hai-tao
    2012, 48(7): 781-784.
    Abstract PDF
    Rapid Discrimination of Adulteration of Olive Oil by Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrophotometry
    WANG Zhi-jia, ZHAO Yan-hua
    2012, 48(7): 785-788.
    Abstract PDF
    ICP-AES Determination of 20 Elements in Crude Oil with Direct Sample Introduction after Dilution
    YUAN Li-feng, WU Bei-lei, YE Jia-mei, WANG Hao, CHEN Tie-shan, SUN Ni-ni
    2012, 48(7): 789-792.
    Abstract PDF
    GC-MS Determination of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Plastic Toys
    SUN Duo-zhi, ZUO Ying, LU Chun-qiang, CHEN Jing-ru, QIN Zi-ming
    2012, 48(7): 793-796.
    Abstract PDF
    GC-MS Determination of Trace Amounts of Estrogens in Water with Derivatization
    WANG Hui, LI Juan, HU Guan-jiu
    2012, 48(7): 797-799.
    Abstract PDF
    ICP-AES Determination of Pb, Cr, Co, As, Sn, Al, Zr, Mo and B in the Products Related by REACH Regulation
    HUA Zheng-jiang, YUAN Li-feng, WANG Hao, LIN Zhen-xing, WU Bei-lei
    2012, 48(7): 800-802.
    Abstract PDF
    On the Retention Behaviors of 13 Residual Organophosphorus Pesticides in Broccoli on Different Chromatographic Columns in Gas Chromatography
    XU Xia, ZHU Zhi-wei, YING Xing-hua
    2012, 48(7): 803-806.
    Abstract PDF
    GC-MS Determination of Hexabromocyclododecane in Coatings
    TANG Zhi-kun, CHEN Qiang, LI Dan, ZHOU Ming-hui, LIU Ying-feng, ZHAI Cui-ping, ZHENG Jian-guo, ZHONG Zhi-guang
    2012, 48(7): 807-809.
    Abstract PDF
    XRFS Determination of Lead and Cadmium in Polymeric Materials
    WANG Bin, ZHANG Hua, HUANG Wei, FENG Xiao-jun, LIU Ji-ping
    2012, 48(7): 810-811.
    Abstract PDF
    Capillary GC Determination of Residual Amounts of 20 Organochlorine Pesticides in Medicine “Sanjiuweitai”
    JIN Gui-ying, DAI Hui-xian, LONG Ying
    2012, 48(7): 812-814.
    Abstract PDF
    On the Elimination of Interference of Calcium in the ICP-MS Determination of Iron with Low Concentration in Water
    LI Min, LIAN Xiao-wen, LIANG Xu-xia, WANG Jing
    2012, 48(7): 815-817.
    Abstract PDF
    Spectrophotometric Determination of Telmisartan
    HUANG Yan-li
    2012, 48(7): 818-819.
    Abstract PDF
    Direct Combustion with Resistance-type Tubular Furnace-IR Absorption Spectrometric Determination of Carbon and Sulfur in Ferrosilicon
    WU Su-ru, LI Quan-bin, WANG Hong, YAO Chuan-gang, HOU Shu-jian, MENG Kai, WANG Zhen-kun
    2012, 48(7): 820-822.
    Abstract PDF
    GC-MS Determination of Phthalates in Food
    SU Xiao, WANG Xiu-peng, WANG Yan
    2012, 48(7): 823-827.
    Abstract PDF
    ICP-AES Determination of Lead, Arsenic, Cadmium and Mercury in Lead Concentrates with Microwave Assisted Sample Digestion
    HU De-xin, WANG Hao-yun, WANG Zhao-rui, MA De-qi, YAO Chuan-gang, GU Song-hai
    2012, 48(7): 828-830.
    Abstract PDF
    UHPLC-MS/MS Determination of Cholesterol in Edible Vegetable Oil
    ZHU Rong, ZHANG Yi, YANG Mei, CHEN Hong, QIAO Bin-zong, PU Xu-feng
    2012, 48(7): 831-833.
    Abstract PDF
    GC Determination of 10 Nitrobenzene Homologues in Surface Water with Liquid-Liquid Extraction
    ZHAO Chen, WANG Jin-yu, CHEN Ling-hu, LU Wen-juan
    2012, 48(7): 834-836.
    Abstract PDF
    GC Determination of Residual Amounts of 5 Organophosphorus Pesticides in Fruits and Vegetables
    HUANG Hui-ling, WANG Yu-jian, HUANG Hai-ming, XU Li, CAI Wei-kai, ZOU Can
    2012, 48(7): 836-838.
    Abstract PDF
    HPLC Determination of Residual Amount of Phoxim in Feed
    YANG Yan-qiang, ZHANG Xin-xin, ZHAO Fa-bao
    2012, 48(7): 839-840.
    Abstract PDF
    Simultaneous Standardization of Ce(SO4)2 and (NH4)2Fe(SO4)2 Solutions by Potentiometric Titration
    CHU You-qun, FENG Jian-song, LI Dan-dan, LI Zhao-hua, MA Chun-an
    2012, 48(7): 841-844.
    Abstract PDF
    GC-MS/MS Determination of Barbiturate Drugs in Blood with Accelerated Solvent Extraction
    TANG Lei, YING Jian-bo
    2012, 48(7): 845-847.
    Abstract PDF
    Head Space-Capillary Column GC Determination of Residual Amounts of Organic Solvents in Esmolol Hydrochloride
    XIAO Xiao-wu, LI Ting-ting, CHENG Qi-zhen, XIONG Wei, YI Lu-yao, LUO Yue-hua
    2012, 48(7): 848-850.
    Abstract PDF
    Recent Progress on the Application of Soft Ionization Mass Spectrometry to Tobacco Chemistry
    JI Hou-wei, LIU Jian, YE Chong, WAN Qiang, HAN Wei, WANG Fang, YANG Jing-guo, YANG Hong-Jie
    2012, 48(7): 869-874.
    Abstract PDF
    Recent Advances of Researches on Method for Inspection of Residual Amount of Toxaphene
    TIAN Shao-qiong, MIAO Shui, MAO Xiu-hong, WANG Ke, JI Shen
    2012, 48(7): 875-879.
    Abstract PDF