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    Study on the Interference of 238UH+ Spectrum in the Determination of Ultra-trace Amount of 239Pu in Environmental Sample by ICP-MS
    HAN Xiao-yuan, WANG Jiang, TIAN Mei, ZHANG Rui-rong, ZHUO Shang-jun
    2013, 49(4): 377-381.
    Abstract PDF
    Electrochemical Behavior of 2-Picolinic Acid on Glassy Carbon Electrode
    ZHANG Pu-xin, LIU Wen-han, TENG Yuan-jie, YAO Jian-hua, MA Chun-an
    2013, 49(4): 382-385.
    Abstract PDF
    Determination of Some Adulterants in Milk Based on Two-dimensional Correlation-Near Infared Spectroscopy Analysis
    LIU Rong, MIAO Jing, YANG Ren-jie
    2013, 49(4): 386-390.
    Abstract PDF
    Catalytic Polarographic Determination of Trace Amount of Rhodium(Ⅲ)
    HUO Yan-yan, HAN Quan
    2013, 49(4): 391-393.
    Abstract PDF
    ICP-AES Determination of Boric Acid and Borate in Cosmetics
    DAI Qi, LIN Xiao-na, WU Yan-yan, LOU Shi-ming, SONG Lei, FANG Cheng
    2013, 49(4): 394-397.
    Abstract PDF
    Simultaneous UHPLC-MS/MS Determination of Residual Amounts of 9 Organophosphorus Pesticides in Aquatic Products
    WANG Yu-jian, HUANG Hui-ling, DONG Cun-zhu, ZHUO Hai-hua
    2013, 49(4): 398-401.
    Abstract PDF
    Quantitative Analysis of Kyanite Sample with X-ray Diffractometry
    DU Xiao-ran, ZHI Hong-mei, ZHANG Jin-kuang, ZHOU Jiao-hua, WANG Juan, CHEN Jing, CHEN Jin-shen
    2013, 49(4): 402-404.
    Abstract PDF
    ICP-MS Determination of Trace Amount of Elements in Licorice Root with Dynamic Reaction Cell
    WANG Wen-yuan, ZHE Wei, DUAN Yan-qing, JIANG Ju-xing, XIA Jian-jun
    2013, 49(4): 405-407.
    Abstract PDF
    HPLC Determination of Cyclosporine A
    GENG Yan-hui, LIU Su-yan, WANG Su-qing, HE Guang-feng
    2013, 49(4): 408-410.
    Abstract PDF
    HPLC Determination of β-Carotene in Compound Vitamin Tablets
    HAN Zhi-hui, YU Ke-ping
    2013, 49(4): 411-412.
    Abstract PDF
    Fluorospectrophotometric Determination of Trace Amount of Cobalt in TCM
    TAO Hui-lin, LI Shu-huai, XU Ming-ze, ZHOU Su-lian, WEI Liu-dan
    2013, 49(4): 413-416.
    Abstract PDF
    LC-MS/MS Determination of Residual Amount of Tebufenozide in Orange
    GU Xue-ying, QIU Man-zhen
    2013, 49(4): 417-419.
    Abstract PDF
    Differential Pulse Voltammetric Determination of Enoxacin with Polythionine Modified Carbon Paste Electrode
    GU Ling, ZHANG Miao, HE Ya-mei
    2013, 49(4): 420-424.
    Abstract PDF
    LC-MS/MS Determination of Residual Amounts of Chlormequat and Diquat in Grains
    CAO Hui, CHEN Xiao-zhen, ZHANG Dong-lei, ZHU Ying, WU Xiao-guang
    2013, 49(4): 425-427.
    Abstract PDF
    HPLC Determination of Sulfonamides in Water with Solid-Phase Extraction
    SUI Li-li, SUI Wei-wei, JIANG Yan, YU Yan
    2013, 49(4): 428-431.
    Abstract PDF
    GC-MS Determination of Phthalates Added as Plasticizers in Toys
    FAN Xiao-jun, LIU Xiao-xuan, CUI Yan-yan
    2013, 49(4): 432-434.
    Abstract PDF
    Determination of 3 Corticosteroids in Cosmetics by Field Amplified Sample Introduction-Micellar Capillary Electrophoresis
    LI Meng, JIN Mian-mian, CHEN Xin, SHANG Shao-ming, LI Juan
    2013, 49(4): 435-438.
    Abstract PDF
    Modification of the Method of Componental Analysis of Coal Ash by XRFS
    ZHU Chun-yao, NIAN Ji-qiang, LU Na-ping, ZHOU Qiang, GU Feng
    2013, 49(4): 439-441.
    Abstract PDF
    HPLC Determination of EDTA in Hyaluronic Acid
    GENG Xiao-feng, GAO Ming, XU Yan-lin, LI Ming-hui
    2013, 49(4): 442-444.
    Abstract PDF
    Indirect AFS Determination of Copper in Chinese Herbal Medicines after Extraction with iso-Pentanol
    ZENG Chao, TANG Qiong, LU Jian-ping, TAN Fang-wei, TANG Yan-kui
    2013, 49(4): 445-447.
    Abstract PDF
    UHPLC-MS Determination of Bispheol A in Epoxy Resin Adhesives
    LAI Ying, DONG Qing-mu, LIN Rui, GE Xiu-xiu, CAI Yan-ping, LIN Hai-xia
    2013, 49(4): 448-450.
    Abstract PDF
    GC Determination of Phthalates as Plasticizer in Disposable Plastic Cups by Liquid-Liquid Extraction
    LIU Yu-bo, CHEN Li-li, SHEN Ye-bing, ZHAO Jun, XIA Pin-hua, ZHANG Yong, ZHANG Ming-shi
    2013, 49(4): 451-454.
    Abstract PDF
    Sequential Injection-HG-AFS Determination of Trace Amount of Lead Migrated from Food Contacting Materials
    LU Dan, ZHAO Shan-hong, JIANG Yong-xiang
    2013, 49(4): 455-457.
    Abstract PDF
    Potentiometric Determination of γ-Aminobutyric Acid with γ-Aminobutyric Acid Modified Carbon Paste Electrode
    ZHANG Jing, LI Dong-hui
    2013, 49(4): 458-460.
    Abstract PDF
    Inhibitory Kinetic Photometric Determination of Trace Amount of Ruthenium
    WEI Cheng-fu, TANG Jie, LI Song, LUO Ya-jun, WANG Hong-fu
    2013, 49(4): 461-463.
    Abstract PDF
    HPLC-MS/MS Determination of Puerarin and Daidzein in Puerarin Root
    REN Yi-zhen, ZHU Zhi-jia, ZHANG Wei, ZHANG Yu-xia, ZHANG Han
    2013, 49(4): 464-467.
    Abstract PDF
    LC-MS/MS Determination of 22 Hormones in Cosmetics
    CHEN Xi, ZHANG Xiao-lin, LIU Ying, CUI Han, HUANG Da-liang, LING Wei-xuan
    2013, 49(4): 468-472.
    Abstract PDF
    Application of Hyphenation of Flow Analysis and Infrared Spectrometry to Pesticide and Food Analysis
    ZHANG Jin, FAN Shi-hua
    2013, 49(4): 494-499.
    Abstract PDF
    Recent Progress on the Application of ICP-AES to Analysis of Rare Refractroy Metals and Their Alloys
    LI Tuo, YANG Jun-hong
    2013, 49(4): 500-504.
    Abstract PDF