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    Preparation and Absorption Property of Graphene Oxide-Based Isoproturon Molecularly Imprinted Polymer
    HAN Shuang, WANG Yuan, SU Li-qiang
    2015, 51(5): 573-576.
    Abstract PDF
    Application of Principal Component Analysis to DART-TOFMS Determination of Writing Age of Gel Ink Pen
    LV Xiao-bao, LIAN Ru, DAI Wei, WANG Ying, ZHANG Yu-rong
    2015, 51(5): 577-580.
    Abstract PDF
    GC-MS Determination of 7 Organic Phosphate Ester Flame Retardants in Atmospheric Particulates with Chromatography Purification
    LI Shi-ping, YIN Hong-ling, YE Zhi-xiang, LIANG Jin-feng, HAO Yan-fen
    2015, 51(5): 581-585.
    Abstract PDF
    Synthesis of Solid Superacid NiO-ZrO2/SO42- and Its Electrocatalytic Activity for Glucose Oxidation
    GU Ying-ying, LIU Yi-cheng, YANG Hai-hong, LI Ben-qiang, AN Ya-rui, ZHOU Shi-lin
    2015, 51(5): 586-590.
    Abstract PDF
    Determination of Prednisone Acetate by Flow Injecting Ag(Ⅲ) Complexes-Luminol System
    CHEN Dan-dan, NIU Ling-mei, QU Jing, LIAN Kao-qi, SHI Hong-mei, KANG Wei-jun, XU Xiu-juan
    2015, 51(5): 591-593.
    Abstract PDF
    HPLC Determination of Roflumilast and 4 Impurities in Roflumilast Drug
    YANG Li-xia, YAN Jian-jun, FENG Cai-ting
    2015, 51(5): 594-596.
    Abstract PDF
    GC-MS Determination of 2-Alkylcyclobutanones in Irradiated Fish Oil with Solid Phase Extraction
    LIU Qian, HAN Li, ZHANG Shu-ya, YI Xiong-hai, DENG Xiao-jun, XI Cun-xian, PENG Tao, LI Wen-bin, DING Zhuo-ping
    2015, 51(5): 597-599.
    Abstract PDF
    LC-MS/MS Determination of Residual Amounts of 11 Mycotoxins in Milk
    HOU Jian-bo, XIE Wen, LI Jie, ZHU Ze-long, HE Jian-min
    2015, 51(5): 600-604.
    Abstract PDF
    Enrichment Technique of Heavy Metal Ions in Water by Electromembrane Isolation
    FEI Xian-ming, ZHU Hong-liang, YANG Zhi-ping, QIAN Fei
    2015, 51(5): 605-608.
    Abstract PDF
    HPLC Determination of 5 Fluorescent Whitening Agents in Cosmetics
    LV Chun-hua, JI Xin-he, SHI Ying-zhu, HOU Jian-bo, XIE Wen
    2015, 51(5): 609-612.
    Abstract PDF
    ICP-MS Rapid Determination of Organotin in Consumer Goods
    LIN Yin, WANG Xin-yu, DONG Ying, HONG Jing
    2015, 51(5): 613-615.
    Abstract PDF
    GC-MS Determination of Volatile and Semi-volatile Component in Smoke with Headspace and Solid Phase Microextraction
    YANG Qiong, TUO Su-xing, HUANG Yong-bing, ZHAO Yu, YANG Hua-wu, CHEN Bo
    2015, 51(5): 616-620.
    Abstract PDF
    HPLC Determination of 9 Ultraviolet Absorbents in Cosmetics
    XU Hui-jin, LIN Feng, WU Ying-xuan
    2015, 51(5): 621-624.
    Abstract PDF
    Simultaneous ICP-MS Determination of 13 Trace Elements in Vegetables
    GUO Jie
    2015, 51(5): 625-629.
    Abstract PDF
    Research on Bovine Serum Albumin Composite Membrane Based on Electrostatic Interactions with Layer-by-Layer Self-Assembly
    WANG Yue-jiao, WANG Bin, GAO Xiu-feng, LI Yong-sheng
    2015, 51(5): 630-633.
    Abstract PDF
    GC-MS Determination of 25 Volatile Organic Compounds in Water and Its Application in Tracing Sources of Sewage Treatment Plant Impact Emergency
    XIAO Yang, WANG Xin-juan, JIANG Xue-song
    2015, 51(5): 634-637.
    Abstract PDF
    Rapid Determination of Dynamic Viscosity in Used Lubricating Oil by BiPLS Combined with IR
    WANG Ju-xiang, HAN Xiao, LIU Jie
    2015, 51(5): 638-641.
    Abstract PDF
    ICP-AES Determination of 12 Heavy Metal Elements in Yixing Teapots
    DAI Ya-min, MA Chong-xian, TAO Mei-juan
    2015, 51(5): 642-646.
    Abstract PDF
    GC-MS Determination of Residual Amounts of 23 Pesticides in Tea
    CAO Yan-ping, YANG Lu-ping, SHAO Li-jun
    2015, 51(5): 647-650.
    Abstract PDF
    Fluorescence Spectroscopy Determination of L-Isoleucine with Complex of Pd(Ⅱ) and Acridine Red as Fluorescent Probe
    CHENG Ding-xi, ZHU Hui-yu, LIU Qi-sheng
    2015, 51(5): 651-654.
    Abstract PDF
    Determination of 7 Licorice Components in Cosmetics by HPLC
    LU Jun, LI Ying
    2015, 51(5): 655-658.
    Abstract PDF
    Elimination of Mass Interferences for WO to Mercury by DRC-ICP-MS
    WANG Hai-ying, BAI Jian-jun, SHI Xi-han, ALAMUSI
    2015, 51(5): 659-663.
    Abstract PDF
    Determination of Total Iodine in Geological Samples by High Performance Ion Chromatography with Pulsed Amperometric Detection
    SHE Xiao-lin, LI Ren-yong, FENG Ling-ling, HU Lan
    2015, 51(5): 664-667.
    Abstract PDF
    GC-MS Determination of Vanillin and Ethyl Vanillin in Tobacco Flavor
    YU Hang, HUANG Guang-li, TAO Li, FANG Yi, LIU Yan-ting
    2015, 51(5): 668-671.
    Abstract PDF
    Determination of Trace Total Sulfur in Coke Oven Gas by Ultraviolet Fluorescence Spectroscopy
    SI Rui-gang, SHI Li-jie, GAO Li, MA Chao
    2015, 51(5): 672-675.
    Abstract PDF
    HPLC Determination of Hexabromocyclododecane in Expanded Polystyrene
    CHEN Kai-min, CHEN Xiu, SU Hong-wei, CHEN Li-juan
    2015, 51(5): 676-679.
    Abstract PDF
    Preparation of Universal Working Curves Used in XRFS Determination of Alloying Elements in Fe-Based Alloy——Application of FP-Virtual Synthetic Standard Sample
    TANG Xia, GE Ying-xin, ZHANG Yong
    2015, 51(5): 680-685.
    Abstract PDF
    GC Determination of Residual Amounts of Acetone and Ethanol in Sodium Ibandronate Injection with Head Space
    CHENG Bo, WANG Yuan, SI Xiong-yuan, TAN Hua-rong, LIU Wei
    2015, 51(5): 686-689.
    Abstract PDF
    Recent Advances of Researches on Determination Methods of Substances of Very High Concern in Plastic Products
    ZHANG Li, NIU Zeng-yuan, LUO Xin, YAO Peng, XU Hui
    2015, 51(5): 725-731.
    Abstract PDF
    Low Pressure Ion Chromatography and Its Application
    HU Shuang-xiu, YANG Guang-ming, ZHOU Guang-ming
    2015, 51(5): 732-736.
    Abstract PDF