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    UV Spectrophotometric Determination of Trace Amounts of Doxycycline in Water with Separation and Enrichment by Gas Floatation
    HOU Yan-min, YAN Yong-sheng, ZHAO Xiao-jun, WANG Liang
    2009, 45(4): 380-383.
    Abstract PDF
    Preparation of the Biosensor CHIT/nano Au/GOx and Its Application to Determination of Glucose
    DAI Song-lin, NI Na, WANG Ying, MAI Hui-min
    2009, 45(4): 384-386.
    Abstract PDF
    Synthesis of N-9-Acridinyl-α-aminoacetic Acid and Its Use as Probe in the Fluorospectrophotometric Determination of Traces of Copper
    YAN Zheng-quan, HU Lei, ZHOU Yun-you
    2009, 45(4): 387-389.
    Abstract PDF
    Spectrophotometric Determination of Pioglitazone Hydrochloride by Its Charge-Transfer Reaction with Ethyl Eosin
    QIN Zong-hui
    2009, 45(4): 390-393.
    Abstract PDF
    Identification and Differentiation of Gel Pen Ink of Different Categories by FT-IR-spectrometry
    SHI Xiao-fan, WANG Yan-ji, WANG Wei-hua, YAO Li-juan, XU Ying-jian
    2009, 45(4): 394-397.
    Abstract PDF
    Electrochemical Behavior of Mn(Ⅱ)-Phen Complex and Its Application
    LI Li-min, SUN Kai
    2009, 45(4): 398-400.
    Abstract PDF
    Enzyme Catalytic Spectrophotometric Determination of Hydrogen Peroxide
    CHEN Ya-hong, LIU Hong-mei, TIAN Feng-shou, SONG Mao-ping, CHEN Peng-li
    2009, 45(4): 401-403.
    Abstract PDF
    FAAS Determination of Cobalt in Soil with Microwave Assisted Sample Digestion
    CHEN Ren-xiang, LI Shan-hong, LIU Ke, WANG Lu-dan
    2009, 45(4): 404-405.
    Abstract PDF
    Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometric Determination of 13 Elements in Bio-samples
    YU Zhao-shui, SUN Xiao-ling, ZHANG Qin
    2009, 45(4): 406-409.
    Abstract PDF
    Spectrophotometric Determination of Trace-amounts of Gallium with 4-(6-Methoxy-8-quinolylazo)-phloroglucinol as Color Reagent in Microemulsoid
    ZHAO Yu-xia, XU Xing-you, MA Wei-xing
    2009, 45(4): 410-412.
    Abstract PDF
    Determination of Hydrogen Peroxide by Fluorescence Quenching of the Functional Nano-CdTe Fluorescence Probe
    CHEN Zhi-bing, WANG Peng, LI Yan, WANG Xin, ZHU Chang-qing
    2009, 45(4): 413-415.
    Abstract PDF
    Rapid Determination of COD of Waste Water Without Using Mercuric Salt Solution
    ZHU Wen, ZHANG Wei, ZHOU Quan-fa
    2009, 45(4): 416-418.
    Abstract PDF
    Photometric Determination of Gatifloxacin by the Decoloration Reaction with Congo Red
    JIANG Hong, LIU Jin-bo, LI Wei
    2009, 45(4): 419-421.
    Abstract PDF
    Indirect Determination of Vitamin B12 in Health-care Food by GFAAS
    LI Shao-dan, LIU Ren, LI Mu-lan
    2009, 45(4): 422-424.
    Abstract PDF
    HPLC Determination of Nitrobenzenes in Water by Solid Phase Extraction
    LU Ming-wei
    2009, 45(4): 425-427.
    Abstract PDF
    Extraction-Photometric Determination of Total Alkaloids in Camptotheca Acuminata with Methyl Orange as Color Reagent
    YANG Lei, LI Jia-hui, ZHAO Chun-jian, LI Xiao-juan, ZU Yuan-gang, LI Jia-lei
    2009, 45(4): 428-430.
    Abstract PDF
    Resonance Scattering Spectrometric Determination of Trace Amounts of Nickel by Its Reaction with PAN Sensitized with SDBS
    QIAN Chun
    2009, 45(4): 431-433.
    Abstract PDF
    GC-MS Determination of Impurities and Microamounts of Aminobenzene in Butyl Acrylate
    WANG Hong-wei, HOU Jin, JIANG Tao, WANG Chao-ying, LU Xiang
    2009, 45(4): 434-436.
    Abstract PDF
    Determination of Isocarbophos in Bio-testing Materials by GC-MS
    WANG Yun-yu, CAI Ming-zhao, WU Hui-qin, ZHU Zhi-xin
    2009, 45(4): 437-439.
    Abstract PDF
    Potentiotitrimetric Determination of Total Alkaloids in Eye Drops
    ZHAO Hong-xia, YIN De-zhong
    2009, 45(4): 440-441.
    Abstract PDF
    Comparison of 2 Derivatization Methods in GC-MS Determination of Residual Butyryl Hydrazide in Peanuts
    MI Jie-bo, WANG Yun-feng, QIN Hong-jian
    2009, 45(4): 442-445.
    Abstract PDF
    GC Determination of Diethylene Glycol in Toothpaste
    SUN Jian-wen, PENG Zhi-ni
    2009, 45(4): 446-447.
    Abstract PDF
    Photometric Determination of Dissolved Oxygen in Water with the Reaction of Iodine and Starch
    SHA Ou, MA Wei-xing, QIAN Bao-hua, CAO Lei, GUO Yan
    2009, 45(4): 448-450.
    Abstract PDF
    HPLC Determination of Nigranoic Acid in Fructus Schisandra with Matrix Solid Phase Dispersion
    FENG Wei-bo, YANG Guang-yu, LEI Chun, HU Qiufen, DAI Yun
    2009, 45(4): 451-453.
    Abstract PDF
    Paper Chromatographic Determination of Pigments in Ink of Colour Pen
    QI Zong-shao
    2009, 45(4): 454-457.
    Abstract PDF
    Synthesis and Structural Characterization of Binuclear Coordination Complex of Palladium(Ⅱ) with Bisacetylacetone and 2,2′-Bipyridine
    MEI Guang-quan, HUANG Ke-long
    2009, 45(4): 458-462.
    Abstract PDF
    ICP-AES Determination of Lanthanides in Orange
    GAN Zhi-yong, PENG Jing-ru, NONG Yao-jing, LI Qiang, LI Hong, LAN Wei
    2009, 45(4): 463-465.
    Abstract PDF
    HPLC Determination of Homoharringtonine in Cephalotaxus Sinesis with Ultrasonic Extraction
    LI Hui, HU Wen-bin, LI Ya-nan, ZHANG Zhao-hui, LEI Hua-ping, ZHANG Yong-kang, LIU Li-ping
    2009, 45(4): 466-467.
    Abstract PDF
    Rapid Evaluation of Efficiency of Scale Inhibitor by Photometric Titration with Sodium Carbonate Solution
    CHEN Li-jun, SUN Wei-hua, YUAN Hong-bo
    2009, 45(4): 468-470.
    Abstract PDF
    IC-ICP-MS Determination of Residual Amounts of Bromate in Flour and Flour Products
    YANG Zhen-yu, DENG Xiao-jun
    2009, 45(4): 471-473.
    Abstract PDF
    XRFS Determination of Trace Elements in Aluminum Alloys and Pure Aluminum
    ZHOU Su-lian, HUANG Zhao-min, CUI Ping-ping
    2009, 45(4): 474-475.
    Abstract PDF
    GC Determination of Sodium Cyclamate in Candied Fruit with Capillary Chromatographic Column
    ZHOU Lu-ming, LI Zhong, GOU Jian, PAN Zhi-ming, CHEN Jun
    2009, 45(4): 476-477.
    Abstract PDF
    Progress of Research on Application of Chiral Stationary Phase-Capillary Electrochromatography in Separation of Chiral Drugs
    ZENG Yu-xiang, WANG Chao, WANG Bing-qiang
    2009, 45(4): 485-490.
    Abstract PDF
    An Effective Approach for Extraction of Volatile Components from Complex Materials:Simultaneous Distillation-extraction and Its Applications
    LI Gui-hua, HE Qiao-hong, YANG Jun
    2009, 45(4): 491-496.
    Abstract PDF