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    FI-Online Enzymatic Oxidation and Preconcentration by PVA Modified Membranous Capillary-Photometric Determination of Total Phenols in Water
    JIN Gu, YAO Qi-zhi, YANG Jian, ZHANG Lei
    2009, 45(8): 889-892.
    Abstract PDF
    Identification of Odour of Hands and Forearms of the Population by HS-SPME-GC-MS with Pattern Recognition
    DAI Yong, WANG Yan-ji, MENG Pin-jia
    2009, 45(8): 893-897.
    Abstract PDF
    Capillary Electrophoretic Determination of 3 Organic Acids in Rhizome Cimicifugas Foetidae with Enrichment by Micellar Sweeping and Separation by Electrokinetic Chromatography
    LI Si-guang, WEN Jian-hui, LU Ru-xin, CAI Zhuo
    2009, 45(8): 898-900.
    Abstract PDF
    ICP-AES Determination of Silicon in Cast Aluminum Alloy
    YU Mei, LIU Zhi-yong
    2009, 45(8): 901-902.
    Abstract PDF
    GFAAS Determination of Trace of Chromium and Cadmium in Food with On-line Standard Addition Method
    PENG Jing-ru, GAN Zhi-yong
    2009, 45(8): 903-904.
    Abstract PDF
    ICP-AES Determination of Calcium Iron Nickel Vanadium in Petrol Coke
    SONG Ji-li, WEI Xiao-hong, YIN Gang
    2009, 45(8): 905-906.
    Abstract PDF
    GC-MS Determination of Volatile Oil in Dalbergia Odorifera with Microwave-Assisted Extraction of Sample
    LI Tian-lue, JI Ming-hui, SHU Huo-ming, CHEN Guang-ying, MA Jian-wen, PAN Long-kui
    2009, 45(8): 907-909.
    Abstract PDF
    Electrochemical Behavior of Uric Acid at the Polysulfosalicylic Acid Modified Glassy Carbon Electrode and Its Analytical Application
    FAN Xue-mei, WANG Shu-min, ZHAO Xia, DONG Wen-ju
    2009, 45(8): 910-912.
    Abstract PDF
    ICP-MS Determination of Heavy Metal Elements in Cigarette Smoke
    LI Yin-ke, HE Bin, JIN Yong-can, HU Qiu-fen, YANG Guang-yu
    2009, 45(8): 913-915.
    Abstract PDF
    Use of the SPSS Software for Data Treatment in Spectrophotometry
    XIE Yan-fu, ZHOU Fen-na, ZHANG Yong-yao, GUO Zhi-jun
    2009, 45(8): 916-918.
    Abstract PDF
    GC Determination of Residual Amounts of Chlorthalonil and Triadimefon in Onion
    WANG Xiang-yun, ZHANG Hu, HE Hong-mei, QIAN Ming-rong, LI Rui, WU Li-qin
    2009, 45(8): 919-921.
    Abstract PDF
    NIRDRS Determination of Moisture in Pulp of Cellulose Acetate in Acetone
    CAO Jian-guo
    2009, 45(8): 922-924.
    Abstract PDF
    GC-MS Determination of Volatile Halohydrocarbons and Chlorobenzenes in Water with Purge and Trap Concentrator
    CHAO Meng, LI Hui, ZENG Dong-bao, XU Huan
    2009, 45(8): 925-927.
    Abstract PDF
    Flow Injection Bi-amperometric Determination of p-Dihydroxybenzene
    ZHANG Jun-cai, XU Hai-ju, LUO Yan-ling
    2009, 45(8): 928-930.
    Abstract PDF
    Use of Excel in Evaluation of Uncertainty in Measurement
    FAN Qiao-cheng, ZHU Fu, XING Cheng-gang
    2009, 45(8): 931-935.
    Abstract PDF
    Resonance Rayleigh-Scattering Spectrometric Determination of Trace Amount of Iridium(Ⅳ) in Metallurgical Samples
    LONG Wei-ran, LI E-xian, WANG Jun-fang, CAO Qiu-e
    2009, 45(8): 936-938.
    Abstract PDF
    Separation of Platinum(Ⅳ) by Floatation with the Reaction System of Cetylpyridine Bromide-Potassium Bromide-Sodium Nitrate
    XU Chun-xuan, YUAN Hong-xia, ZHANG Xiu-lan, MA Wan-shan
    2009, 45(8): 939-941.
    Abstract PDF
    AAS Determination of Inorganic Elements in Medicinal Rhizoma Curcumae Longae
    TANG Jia-yong, YANG Rui-wu, ZHANG Li, LI Qing-miao, DING Chun-bang, ZHOU Yon-hong
    2009, 45(8): 942-943.
    Abstract PDF
    ICP-AES Determination of Trace Elements in Peel of Carya Cathayensis with Microwave Assisted Sample Digestion
    CHENG Ze-feng, YUAN Ke, LIU Yuan-hui, YU Rui-peng, CHENG Cun-gui
    2009, 45(8): 944-946.
    Abstract PDF
    Photometric Determination of Trimethoprim by Its Charge Transfer Reaction with Alizarin
    HUANG Yan-li
    2009, 45(8): 947-948.
    Abstract PDF
    HG-AFS Determination of Tin in Antimony Concentrates
    YUAN Ai-ping, HUANG Yu-long, TANG Yan-xia, WANG Jing-ling, QIN Ran, GONG Qi, HE Da-peng, MO Fan, HUANG Wei-zhong
    2009, 45(8): 949-951.
    Abstract PDF
    Mechanism of Interaction of the Coordination Complex Sm(Ⅲ)(CAI)3 with DNA
    TA Hong-gui, LI Hong-bo, WANG Xing-ming, HU Zhi-biao, SONG Hong-tao, ZHAO Jin-hua, DING Li-sheng
    2009, 45(8): 952-956.
    Abstract PDF
    GC-MS Determination of Phthalates Added as Plasticizers in PVC Plastics for Making Toys
    LI Si-yuan, CAI Ji-jin, HUANG Kai-sheng, LING Ping
    2009, 45(8): 957-959.
    Abstract PDF
    RP-HPLC Simultraneous Determination of Four Flavonoids in Humifuse Euphorbia
    WANG Jin-jun, ZHANG Mian
    2009, 45(8): 960-961.
    Abstract PDF
    GC-MS with HS-SPME Determination of Methadone and Its Main Metabolite in Urine
    HUANG Ke-jian, PAN Zhi-wen, LIN Cui-wu, LI Hong-sen, LIU Xiao-feng, LI Lu, LUO Zheng-jian, CHEN Er-lian
    2009, 45(8): 962-964.
    Abstract PDF
    Analysis for Components of a Polishing Wax
    MA Hui-lian, TIAN Yu-zeng, HUANG Wei-dong, CHEN Ji-ping
    2009, 45(8): 965-967.
    Abstract PDF
    HPLC-MS/MS Determination of Residual Amounts of 4 β-Agonists in Foodstuffs of Animal Origin
    ZHAO Shan-zhen, CHEN Shun-sheng, DENG Xiao-jun, YIN Ping
    2009, 45(8): 968-971.
    Abstract PDF
    Adsorptive Voltammetric Determination of Copper by the Reaction of Cu(Ⅱ)-ARS Complex at Carbon Paste Electrode
    DENG Pei-hong, ZHANG Jun, LI Ju-nan
    2009, 45(8): 972-974.
    Abstract PDF
    ICP-AES Determination of Carbonate and Bicarbonate in Environmental Water Sample with Sample Introduction in Gaseous State
    DUAN Xu-chuan
    2009, 45(8): 975-978.
    Abstract PDF
    HG-AFS Determination of Inorganic Arsenic in Food After Separation with Cation Exchange Resin
    TANG Zeng-xu, MA Jie, ZHANG Meng, XIAO Xiang-lan, WU Guo-hua, XUE Ying
    2009, 45(8): 979-981.
    Abstract PDF
    Simultaneous Determination of Residual Amounts of Thiabendazole and Carbendazim in Edible Fungus by HPLC with Solid Phase Extraction
    CHEN Lian-hong, WANG Deng-fei, YOU Jun, HUANG Zhi-hui, ZHENG Jun-chao, WANG Rui-long
    2009, 45(8): 982-984.
    Abstract PDF
    Spectrophotometric Determination of Propantheline Bromide by the Color Reaction of Congo Red
    WANG Dong, GUO Zhi-jun, FENG Su-ling
    2009, 45(8): 985-986.
    Abstract PDF
    Determination of Degree of Opening of the Heterocyclic Ring of Imidazolinium Inhibitors at Elevated Temperatures by UV-Spectrophotometry
    WANG Ning, DU Min, ZHANG Jing
    2009, 45(8): 987-990.
    Abstract PDF
    On the Procedure to Establish Method for Determination of Residual Pesticides in Samples of Different Matrixes
    PAN Yu-xiang, DONG Jing, SUN Jun, ZHU Li-ping, PAN Shou-qi
    2009, 45(8): 991-993.
    Abstract PDF
    LC-MS/MS Determination of Residual Amounts of Carbamate Pesticides in Vegetables and Fruits
    LUO Hui-ming, CHEN Yan-qin, LIANG Xi-yang, ZHANG Lin-tian
    2009, 45(8): 994-997.
    Abstract PDF
    Progress of Photometric Analysis of Cerium
    LIU Yu-ying, ZHOU Li
    2009, 45(8): 1008-1010.
    Abstract PDF
    Present Status of Inspection of Polybromodiphenyl Ethers in Biological Samples
    WANG Xia, LI Xu-dong
    2009, 45(8): 1011-1014.
    Abstract PDF