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    HPLC Determination of 1,3-Dihydroxymethyl-5,5-dimethylhydantoin in Cosmetics Added as Formaldehyde-releasing Retardant
    ZHENG Yun-yun, LI Qiong, ZHANG Jian
    2011, 47(10): 1129-1133.
    Abstract PDF
    Study on Electrochemical Behavior of Rifampicin by Cyclic Voltammetry
    GONG Lan-xin, WENG Zhi-wang, WEN Chen
    2011, 47(10): 1134-1136.
    Abstract PDF
    Modification for the FI-Photometric Method for Determination of Total Phosphate in Water
    WANG Li-ping, ZHAO Ping, TIAN Qin, JIANG Lin
    2011, 47(10): 1137-1139.
    Abstract PDF
    Study and Application of Adsorptive Catalytic Wave Produced by the Reaction System of Bi(Ⅲ)-Rutin-K2S2O8
    LIN Hong, CHAI Yue-dong, TAN Yan-qing
    2011, 47(10): 1140-1142.
    Abstract PDF
    Photometric Determination of Reducing Sugar in Vegetables Based on the Color Reaction System of K3Fe(CN)6-FeCl3
    HUANG Cheng, YIN Hong, LI Di-cai
    2011, 47(10): 1143-1145.
    Abstract PDF
    Photometric Determination of Trace Amount of Lead in Pure Zinc with Polybromo-Phenylfluorone
    LI Xing-wei, CAO Jin-xing, OU Zhong-ping
    2011, 47(10): 1146-1148.
    Abstract PDF
    FI-Chemiluminescence Determination of Paracetamol
    FAN Xue-mei, WANG Shu-min, SU Zhi-kui, CHEN Feng-ying, LIU Ping, WANG Xian-sheng
    2011, 47(10): 1149-1151.
    Abstract PDF
    HPLC Determination of Polybromodiphenyl Ether in Plastic Products with Accelerated Solvent Extraction of Sample
    MA Ming, XIAO Ling-yan, HUANG Jiao, MA Zhong-chun
    2011, 47(10): 1152-1154.
    Abstract PDF
    Spectrophotometric Determination of Trace Amounts of Nickel(Ⅱ) with 1-(4-Antipyrine)-3-(2,4,6-tribromophenyl)-Triazene as Chromogenic Reagent After Separation of Thioglucosan Gel Column
    CHEN Wen-bin, YIN Lei, SIQIN Gao-wa, MA Wei-xing, XU Xing-you
    2011, 47(10): 1155-1158.
    Abstract PDF
    UHPLC-MS/MS Determination of Perfluoro-octane Sulfonate in Printed Circuit Boards
    ZENG Yong-ting, XING Yuan-na, CHEN Ze-yong, LI Bi-fang
    2011, 47(10): 1159-1161.
    Abstract PDF
    XRFS Determination of CaF2, SiO2, Al2O3 and Total Iron in Fluorspar
    LI Shao-mei, DU Cai-xia, ZHANG Hui-juan
    2011, 47(10): 1162-1164.
    Abstract PDF
    GC-MS Determination of Phenol Phosphates in Nipple
    LU Chun-mei, HAN Da-chuan, LU Li-jun, MU Jun, ZHAO Qing-song, FU Xin
    2011, 47(10): 1165-1167.
    Abstract PDF
    RP-HPLC Determination of Vitamin D2 and Vitamin D3
    XU Qiang, LIU Jin-sheng, WANG Yi-peng, ZHANG Zhi-tao, SUN Xiao-meng
    2011, 47(10): 1168-1169.
    Abstract PDF
    HG-AFS Determination of Total Arsenic in Seafood
    SUN Qi, SU Xiu-juan, ZHANG Ji-fen
    2011, 47(10): 1170-1172.
    Abstract PDF
    FI-HG-AFS Determination of Selenium in Tea
    WANG Chang-qin, GONG Wei-lei, YANG Jin-ling, JIA Fei-fei
    2011, 47(10): 1173-1174.
    Abstract PDF
    Comparison of Correlationships of the Fitting Calibration Curves in GC-MS Determination of Polybromodiphenyl Ethers
    JIA Hai-bin, BIAN Zhi-hong, LIU Hai
    2011, 47(10): 1175-1177.
    Abstract PDF
    Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer Quenching Method for Determination of Moxifloxacin
    XI Hui-ping, MENG Qing, SHI Xin-hui
    2011, 47(10): 1178-1180.
    Abstract PDF
    FIA-Photometric Determination of Tiopronin in Its Drug Preparations
    GUO Zhi-jun, ZHANG Wei-wei, ZHOU Ying, RUAN Zheng
    2011, 47(10): 1181-1183.
    Abstract PDF
    HPLC Determination of D-Serine
    YU Rong-hua, TAN Jiao-ying, QIAO Hao, LIU Cun-li, YU Wen-tao, WEI Ping
    2011, 47(10): 1184-1185.
    Abstract PDF
    HG-AFS Determination of Bismuth and Antimony in Molybdenum Powder and Products Made of Molybdenum
    XIE Ming-ming, LI Qiao-hong, WANG Feng
    2011, 47(10): 1186-1188.
    Abstract PDF
    HPLC Determination of polyethylene glycol in Polyethoxylation Nonionic Surfactants
    CHENG Xiao-jing, YAO Chen-zhi, YAN Fang
    2011, 47(10): 1189-1191.
    Abstract PDF
    HPLC Determination of Phenol and Furfural in Hydrolysate of Cotton Stalks
    ZHANG Gen-lin, BAN Li-li, DENG Hui, SUN Ping
    2011, 47(10): 1192-1194.
    Abstract PDF
    GC Determination of Benzene Homologues in Water Samples with Solid Phase Micro-extraction
    WANG Yan-li, LI Li-rong, YANG Hua
    2011, 47(10): 1195-1197.
    Abstract PDF
    ICP-AES Determination of Potassium, Sodium, Calcium, Magnesium and Sulfate in Carnallite
    JIN Fang, WANG Hong-bin, WANG Ying
    2011, 47(10): 1198-1199.
    Abstract PDF
    IC Determination of Inorganic Ions in Explosive Residues
    CHEN Xiang-guo, Lv Ji-zhong, ZHANG Yin-hua
    2011, 47(10): 1200-1202.
    Abstract PDF
    FI-Spetrophotometric Determination of Phosphate in Estuarine Water and Method of Correction for Salt Effect
    YANG Ying, LIU Peng-xia, YANG Xing-xing, ZHANG Hui
    2011, 47(10): 1203-1205.
    Abstract PDF
    Potentiotitrimetric Determination of Total Volatile Acids in Tobacco with Separation by Steam Distillation
    GENG Yong-qin, MIAO En-ming, JIANG Ci-qing, XU Ji-chang, YANG Ye-kun, LI Xue-mei
    2011, 47(10): 1206-1207.
    Abstract PDF
    A New Method of Sample Preparation for Thermoplastic in IR-Spectrometry
    YU Wen-ling, GUAN Hong-cai
    2011, 47(10): 1208-1210.
    Abstract PDF
    XRFS Determination of Major, Minor Components and 3 Trace Elements in Bauxites
    LIU Jiang-bin, DUAN Jiu-cun, DANG Liang, HE Zhen-yun, WU Yong-zhi
    2011, 47(10): 1211-1213.
    Abstract PDF
    GC Determination of Acetaldehyde, Acrolein and Acrylonitrile in Water with Purge and Trap Technique
    LU Wen-juan, WANG Jin-yu, CHEN Ling-hu, ZHAO Chen
    2011, 47(10): 1214-1215.
    Abstract PDF
    FAAS Determination of Trace Elements in Smallanthus Sonchifolius with Sample Digestion Under Pressure
    WU Yu-lian, YANG Jie, CAI Quan-hui, WANG Jun-quan
    2011, 47(10): 1216-1217.
    Abstract PDF
    Rapid Determination of Organophosphorus Pesticides on Surfaces of Fruits and Vegetables by MS/MS with Desorption Electrospray Ionization
    XUE Lan, SU Hai-feng
    2011, 47(10): 1218-1221.
    Abstract PDF
    Separation and Enrichment of Harmful Elements in Food and Their Application to Some Optical and Electrochemical Analytical Methods
    WU Cheng, YU Lu, WANG Hui, WANG Guo-xin, XU Yu-yu, ZHOU Li-ying, YANG Gui-xiang, ZHOU Jin-fan
    2011, 47(10): 1243-1246.
    Abstract PDF
    Recent Progress of Methods for Determination of Trace Amount of Gold
    JIN Shao-xiang
    2011, 47(10): 1248-1252.
    Abstract PDF