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    Preparation of ZnO Quantum Dots and Study on Its Interaction with Acridine Orange
    WANG Huan, ZHANG Ping, YANG Xiaoling
    2014, 50(6): 661-664.
    Abstract PDF
    Detection of Surfactants in Waterthinned Coating by PyrolysisGas ChromatographyMass Spectrometry
    LI Jun, CHEN Jiwen, CHEN Manying, SHEN Honglin, FENG Yan, LIU Fujian
    2014, 50(6): 665-669.
    Abstract PDF
    Determination of Amount of Simulated Migration of NNitrosamines from Condoms by GCMS with HSSPME
    FENG Di, YI Xinru, YANG Huimin, ZHAO Liyuan
    2014, 50(6): 670-674.
    Abstract PDF
    GC Determination of OCP′s and PCB′s in Polluted Soil with Dual Chromatographic Columns and Dual ECD
    CHEN Beibei
    2014, 50(6): 675-680.
    Abstract PDF
    XRFS Determination of Iron, Vanadium and Silicon in Ferrovanadium Nitride
    GAO Shufeng, ZHANG Haiyan, ZHANG Yuping, LI Yanhui, SONG Xiaojun
    2014, 50(6): 681-684.
    Abstract PDF
    FAAS Determination of Metal Elements in Pleurotus Geesteranus with High ResolutionContinuous Light Source
    LIU Hui, CHEN Shanglong, LI Tongxiang, LI Chao, GAO Liangpeng
    2014, 50(6): 685-688.
    Abstract PDF
    GC Determination of Diphenyl Carbonate in Products of Polycarbonate with Separation by Precipitation
    MA Ming, XIAN Yang, CAI Jing, ZHOU Yuyan, SHENG Kangjun
    2014, 50(6): 689-692.
    Abstract PDF
    RRS Determination of Resveratrol with K3[Fe(CN)6]FeCl3 Reaction System
    ZHU Weiwei, LIU Shaopu, YAN Jun
    2014, 50(6): 693-697.
    Abstract PDF
    HPLCMS/MS Determination of Na2EDTA in Food
    WEI Dongxu, HAN Guangyuan, SUN Ying, HU Shaoxin, YANG Changzhi
    2014, 50(6): 698-701.
    Abstract PDF
    Determination of Residual Amounts of 20 Veterinary Drugs in Pork by Hyphenation of HPLC with QuadrupoleTOFMS
    XIE Hanbing, JIANG Wanfeng, ZHAO Haifeng, ZHAO Shan
    2014, 50(6): 702-707.
    Abstract PDF
    Hypophosphite ReductionIodometric Titration of Arsenic in Ore Samples
    ZHAO Shubao, ZHAO Jianwen
    2014, 50(6): 708-710.
    Abstract PDF
    HPLC Determination of 6 Chemical Drugs Illicitly Added to AntiEpilepsy ReadyMade Traditional Chinese Medicines
    QIU Yunqi, CHEN Guoquan, LEI Yi, HUANG Yanting
    2014, 50(6): 711-714.
    Abstract PDF
    LCMS/MS Determination of 9 Banned Aromatic Amines in Cosmetics
    XU Ying, XIAO Hailong, CAI Caosheng, LIU Yongfeng
    2014, 50(6): 715-719.
    Abstract PDF
    Thermo conductometric Determination of Nitrogen in Carburetants for Steel making with Fusion of Sample by Electroimpulse Heating and Instrumental Calibration by Coal Standard Samples
    ZHU Weihua, SUN Yuguang
    2014, 50(6): 720-724.
    Abstract PDF
    Comparative Study on Feasibility of Static HeadSpace/HeadSpace Solid Phase MicroextractionGCMS Detection of Residual Amounts of Volatile Organic Compounds in Plastic Packagings for Food
    XIAN Yang, ZHOU Yuyan, CHENG Yuxiao
    2014, 50(6): 725-729.
    Abstract PDF
    ICP MS Determination of 17 Elements in Sludge from Petroleum Refineries
    MA Ronghua, LI Lingbo
    2014, 50(6): 730-733.
    Abstract PDF
    GC MS Determination of 3 Aminobenzenes in Organic Building Adhesives
    LAI Ying, LIN Rui, HUANG Li, GE Xiuxiu, HUANG Long, LIN Weijing, LIN Haixia
    2014, 50(6): 734-736.
    Abstract PDF
    IR Spectrometric Determination of Oxygen in TinTitanium Alloy with Fusion of Sample in Inert Gas Atmosphere
    WANG Kuan, LI Bo, SUN Baolian, WANG Hui, LIANG Qinghua, ZHENG Wei
    2014, 50(6): 737-739.
    Abstract PDF
    GC Determination of 21 Organochlorine and 4 Organophosphorus Pesticides in Soil
    MA Jiansheng, WANG Xin, WANG Haijiao, LI Lijun, XIAO Gang, HU Jianfei
    2014, 50(6): 740-744.
    Abstract PDF
    ICP MS Determination of 15 Impurity Elements in High Purity Vanadium Pentoxide with Microwave Assisted Sample Digestion
    CHENG Yong
    2014, 50(6): 745-748.
    Abstract PDF
    HPLC Determination of Formaldehyde in Adhesives with Vacuum Distillation and Precolumn Derivatization
    , ,
    2014, 50(6): 749-753.
    Abstract PDF
    Simultaneous HPLC Determination of Residual Amounts of 17 Phthalates in WaterBased Adhesives with LiquidLiquid Extraction
    GONG Shuguo, WU Mingjian, FAN Hua, DAI Yunhui, JIANG Lamei, LIU Wei, KONG Bo
    2014, 50(6): 754-758.
    Abstract PDF
    Recent Progress of Application of HGAFS to Determination of Trace Elements in Metals and Alloys
    ZHANG Xiaohan, MA Chongxian, LI Shasha, CHEN Zhongying
    2014, 50(6): 784-790.
    Abstract PDF
    Recent Advances of Researches on Application of Cyclodextrin Chiral Stationary Phase to Liquid Chromatographic and Capillary Column Electrochromatographic Analysis of Chiral Drugs
    HUI Yang, CHEN Guangying, CHEN Wenhao
    2014, 50(6): 791-796.
    Abstract PDF