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    Electrochemical Behavior of Pentamidine and Its Application
    YANG Ran, YANG Su-ling, QU Ling-bo, LI Jian-jun
    2008, 44(4): 304-306.
    Abstract PDF
    Thermo-Kinetic Study on the Redox Reaction Between Methylene Blue and Bromate Radical by Micro-Calorimetry
    LI Zhao-jun, HU Qi-lin
    2008, 44(4): 307-309.
    Abstract PDF
    Infrared Spectrometric Study on Solvation Property of Methanolic Solution of Calcium Chloride
    CHEN Yuan-yuan, WU Xiao-jing, LI Fa
    2008, 44(4): 310-313.
    Abstract PDF
    Determination of 2-Chloroacetophenone in Water by Solid Phase Extraction-Gas Chromatography
    QU Gang-lian, MA Guo-hua, PAN Rong-rong, LI Fen-run
    2008, 44(4): 314-315.
    Abstract PDF
    FI-Chemiluminescence Determination of Pyrogallol in Water
    HE Shu-hua, HE De-yong, JIANG Hong
    2008, 44(4): 316-318.
    Abstract PDF
    Resolution and Determination of Enantiomers of Fluazifop-p-Butyl by High Performance Liquid Chromatography
    SHANG Yong-yan, SUN Nan, HU Bao-xiang, MO Wei-min
    2008, 44(4): 319-320.
    Abstract PDF
    HPLC Determination of Lycopene in Blood Serum
    CAI Zhi-ming, ZENG Ying, WANG Feng-hua, SHI Xin, WANG Zhen, ZHAO Jia, LI Shu-guang
    2008, 44(4): 321-322.
    Abstract PDF
    GC-MS Determination of Residual Clofentezine in Fruits
    LI Ai-jun, WANG Ming-tai, MU Jun, ZHOU Xiao
    2008, 44(4): 323-325.
    Abstract PDF
    LC-MS Determination of Content of Sulfonated Castor Oil in Ink
    YANG Cheng-dui, SONG Li-hui, ZHANG Yan
    2008, 44(4): 326-327.
    Abstract PDF
    FAAS Determination of Fertilizer Retention Capacity of Resin with High Hydro-absorptivity
    LI Ya-li, WANG Shu-rong
    2008, 44(4): 328-329.
    Abstract PDF
    Extraction of Volatile Oil in Michelia Hedyosperma Lew and Determination of Its Chemical Components
    HUANG Min, LIU Jie-feng, PANG Xia, WU Xin-gui, LIANG Jian-min
    2008, 44(4): 330-331.
    Abstract PDF
    Capillary Electrophoretic Determination of Synephrine and Naringenin in Trifoliate Orange
    LIU Hai-xing
    2008, 44(4): 332-333.
    Abstract PDF
    Charge Transfer-Spectrophotometric Determination of Amoxicillin
    CAO Wei, FU Yan-jing, MA Yan, MU Xue-min, YANG Jing-he
    2008, 44(4): 334-335.
    Abstract PDF
    Determination of Content of Amino Acids in Table Vinegar by Chromatography with Electrochemical Detection
    MO Shu-min, LIANG Li-na, CAI Ya-qi, MU Shi-fen
    2008, 44(4): 336-338.
    Abstract PDF
    Head-Space Gas Chromatographic Determination of Contents of Benzene Homologues in Dispersion Paints after Extraction with n-Hexane
    WU Yu-feng, CUI Yong-sheng, LI Li-rong, YANG Jia-feng, SHI Ting-ri
    2008, 44(4): 339-341.
    Abstract PDF
    Determination of Monosaccharides in Polysaccharides of Rhaponticum Uniforum by High-performance Anion Exchange Chromatography with Amperometric Detection
    LI Fa-sheng, XU Heng-gui, LI Ming-yang, LIU Hui
    2008, 44(4): 342-344.
    Abstract PDF
    DW-Spectrophotometric Determination of Methanol in Wine with Reagent 5-Br-PADAP
    BAO Xia, ZHANG Xiao-ling
    2008, 44(4): 345-347.
    Abstract PDF
    Determination of Au and Fe in Precious Metals and Alloys by ICP-AES
    PANG Xiao-hui
    2008, 44(4): 348-349.
    Abstract PDF
    ICP-AES Determination of Cr(Ⅵ) in Certain Special Samples-Preliminary Separation of Cr(Ⅲ) by co-Precipitation
    LIU Chong-hua, CHEN Yang, HUANG Li-na, LIU Wei-hong, YI Le-zhou, XIAN Yan-ping
    2008, 44(4): 350-351.
    Abstract PDF
    Photometric Determination of Oxalic Acid by Its Displacement Reaction with the Complex of Tribromoarsenazo and Zirconium(Ⅳ)
    HU Wei-hua, ZHAI Qing-zhou, WANG Xin-ying
    2008, 44(4): 352-354.
    Abstract PDF
    Atomic Absorption Spectrometric Determination of Lead,Copper,Cadmium,Magnesium,Manganese and Iron in Grains with Microwave Heated Sample Digestion
    ZHANG Chun-yan, YUAN Jing, PAN Guo-qing
    2008, 44(4): 355-356.
    Abstract PDF
    Determination of Urine Plumbum by Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectrometry
    LI Yong-jun, SUN Jian-yun
    2008, 44(4): 357-358.
    Abstract PDF
    SPE-RHPLC Determination of Polyhexamethylenebiguanide in Lens Cleaning-Disinfectant Solution
    DING Xiao-jing, CHE Yi-ping, WANG Ying, LIU Peng-yan
    2008, 44(4): 359-360.
    Abstract PDF
    Direct Determination of Trace Chromium in Biological Samples by Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectrometry with Slurry Introduction
    ZHANG Li, HAN Guo-cai
    2008, 44(4): 361-363.
    Abstract PDF
    Indirect Photometric Determination of Ascorbic Acid in Drugs
    LIU Shu-heng, WANG Yu
    2008, 44(4): 364-365.
    Abstract PDF
    Inter-Laboratory Proficiency Test on the Determination of 3-Chloro-1,2-propanediol in Soy Sauce
    TONG Ke-xing, ZHANG Hua, XIAO Liang, LI Wen-long, JIANG Jun, LI Hai-yan, YU Li-jun, LI An
    2008, 44(4): 380-383.
    Abstract PDF
    Progress of Methods for Determination of Trace Amounts of Mercury
    CAI Hui-hua, PENG Su-biao
    2008, 44(4): 385-390.
    Abstract PDF