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    Determination of Residual Amount of Melamine in Foodstuffs by Hyphenation of Liquid Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry in Tandem
    XIA Chong-fei, ZHAO Shan-zhen, HAN Li, GUO De-hua, DENG Xiao-jun, CHEN Shun-sheng
    2009, 45(12): 1361-1364.
    Abstract PDF
    GC-MS Determination of Opiates in Human Blood with Ultrasonic Extraction and Trifluoro-acetylation Derivitization
    WANG Ji-fen, SUN Hong-feng, MENG Pin-jia, WANG Yan-yan, ZHANG Liang, GUO Fei
    2009, 45(12): 1365-1368.
    Abstract PDF
    Micellar LC Determination of Melamine in Dairy Products
    SHI Jie-hua, PENG Li
    2009, 45(12): 1369-1372.
    Abstract PDF
    Selective Adsorption of Low Molecular Aldehydes and Ketones in Cigarette Smoke Stream Using Composite Material of Chitosan and Molecular Sieve
    XIE Shan-ling, WANG Kai, ZHU Rui-zhi, NI Chao-min, MOU Ding-rong, QIN Yun-hua, MIAO Ming-ming
    2009, 45(12): 1373-1376.
    Abstract PDF
    GC Determination of Residual Organophosphorus Pesticides in Tobacoo by Treatment of Samples with Matrix Solid Phase Dispersion
    FAN Yi-ping, DUAN Li-ping, ZHANG Hui-zi, HUANG Hai-tao, WANG Rui, YANG Guang-yu
    2009, 45(12): 1377-1379.
    Abstract PDF
    ICP-AES Determination of Iron Manganese Lead in Petrol
    LIN Yu, LI Yi, HE Cheng-yao
    2009, 45(12): 1380-1382.
    Abstract PDF
    Resolution of Enantiomers of Indapamide by HPLC with Mobile Phase Added with Chiral Agent
    ZHU Yan-lin, ZHANG jing, TIAN Dan-bi
    2009, 45(12): 1383-1385.
    Abstract PDF
    ICP-AES Determination of Ca,Ba,Al and P in Multi-componental Deoxidizer
    ZEN Hai-mei, TAO Jun, GAO Ling
    2009, 45(12): 1386-1388.
    Abstract PDF
    FAAS Determination of Metal Elements in Printed Circuit Board Scraps
    QU Wei, WANG Zheng-mo
    2009, 45(12): 1389-1390.
    Abstract PDF
    Ion-chromatographic Determination of Trace Amounts of Chloride Ion in Ferric Oxide Powder
    CHEN Fei, YU Yuan-jun, HU Hai-bin
    2009, 45(12): 1391-1393.
    Abstract PDF
    FAAS Determination of Trace of Cu Ni and Zn in Water Sample After Separation and Enrichment by MgO Nanoparticle
    SHI Ta-qing, LONG Wen-qing, HUANG Jian-gen, ZHONG Fan, HUANG Chun-fang
    2009, 45(12): 1394-1395.
    Abstract PDF
    DW-spectrophotometric Determination of Rutin by Measurement with Absorbance Addition
    SHANG Yong-hui, LI Hua, SUN Jia-juan, LIU Bin, GU Yuan-zi
    2009, 45(12): 1396-1398.
    Abstract PDF
    HPLC Determination of Phthalates in Cosmetics
    CHEN Li-ming, YAO Ying, WANG Hu, HU Guo-sheng, ZHU Xi-ju
    2009, 45(12): 1399-1400.
    Abstract PDF
    FAAS Determination of Lead in Waste Gas
    CHEN Jiang, LU Bin-li, ZHENG Jun, LIN Lin
    2009, 45(12): 1401-1403.
    Abstract PDF
    GC-MS Determination of Vanillin,TBHQ,Caffeine in Chocolate
    YI Xiao-juan, ZHU Jia-ye, DING Ping
    2009, 45(12): 1404-1406.
    Abstract PDF
    UHPLC-MS/MS Determination of Coumarin in Essence
    WU Xin-hua, ZHU Rui-zhi, LU She-ming, WANG Kai, MENG Zhao-yu, MU Ding-rong, MIAO Ming-ming
    2009, 45(12): 1407-1409.
    Abstract PDF
    Simultaneous Determination of Iron and Cobalt by Spectrophotometry with Thivioluric Acid as Chromogenic Reagent
    HUANG Xuan-zhong, HUANG Wei
    2009, 45(12): 1410-1412.
    Abstract PDF
    GC Determination of 4 Organophosphorus Pesticides in Chinese Herbal Medicines with Separation and Purification by Matrix Solid-phase Dispersion and Soxhlet′s Extraction in Combination
    LU Li-liang, YANG Hong-bing
    2009, 45(12): 1413-1415.
    Abstract PDF
    GFAAS Determination of Lead in Soy Sauce
    LI Wei-qun, SHAN Sheng-yan, ZHU Hui
    2009, 45(12): 1416-1417.
    Abstract PDF
    Dynamic Testing of Adsorbability of Active Carbon Fibre
    CHEN Qiu-fei, ZHANG Xue-jun, SHEN Zeng-min, PEI Hao
    2009, 45(12): 1418-1421.
    Abstract PDF
    GC-MS Determination of Residual Solvent in Benzophenones Used as Tanning Preventives with Head-space SPME
    LI Zu-guang, ZHU Guo-hua, CAO Hui, MO Wei-min
    2009, 45(12): 1422-1423.
    Abstract PDF
    On the SCN--Ion Selective Electrode with Carrier of Complex of Unsymmetrical Schiff Base with Cu(Ⅱ)
    GUI Guo-feng, NIE Xiao-yan, LIU Hong
    2009, 45(12): 1424-1427.
    Abstract PDF
    ICP-AES Determination of Trace Elements in Violet Grown in Tianshan
    SHEN Xiao-yan, XIE Cheng-xi, DENG Wei-ping, QIAN Xiu-ying
    2009, 45(12): 1428-1429.
    Abstract PDF
    Determination of Active Substance in Sodium Petroleum Sulfonate by Synchronous Back-Titration
    JIANG Nan, FENG Rui-jiang, GAO Zhen-wei, LI Xiao-ou, LI Wen-shen
    2009, 45(12): 1430-1431.
    Abstract PDF
    Head-space Gas Chromatographic Determination of Benzene Homologues in Paint and Adhesive
    GAO Li-di, CHU Hong-tao, BAI Jun
    2009, 45(12): 1432-1434.
    Abstract PDF
    GC Determination of Acetic Acid in Ambient Air and in Waste Gas After Enrichment with Silica Gel Adsorption Tube
    HU En-yu, YANG Li-li, MU Ying-feng, WANG Mei-fei, WANG Li-yuan
    2009, 45(12): 1435-1436.
    Abstract PDF
    Recent Progress of Spectrophotometric Determination of Selenium
    LI Yong-mei, LI Ren-yu, XU Pei-pei
    2009, 45(12): 1453-1459.
    Abstract PDF
    Progress of FT-IRS Analysis of Boron-Carbon-Nitrogen Metastable Materials
    DU Hui-jing, HAO Rui
    2009, 45(12): 1460-1464.
    Abstract PDF