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    Determination of Acidity of Fruits and Vegetables by Scanning Cyclic Voltammetry with Poly-Methylene Blue Modified Pencil Core Electrode
    CHEN Xian-ming, LUO Ji-wen, CHEN Yuan, WEI Qing-min, QIN Yu-bin
    2010, 46(7): 720-723.
    Abstract PDF
    Vapor Generation-AAS Determination of Trace Amounts of Palladium in Catalysts
    WAN Ling-zhong, GAN Wu-er, JIANG Xian-juan, YANG Qing-hua, DENG Yun
    2010, 46(7): 724-727.
    Abstract PDF
    Chemical Pattern Recognition Genotyping of STR Locus Based on Nearinfrared Spectroscopy Combined with Support Vector Machine
    GUO Li-ping, XU Rong, REN Li, HE Xiao-li, YAO Min, HE Hua-lan, XIE Hong-ping
    2010, 46(7): 728-731.
    Abstract PDF
    ICP-AES Determination of 17 Kinds of Elements in Magnesium and Magnesium Alloy
    TAO Mei-juan, MEI Tan, YAN Guo-qiang
    2010, 46(7): 732-734.
    Abstract PDF
    RP-HPLC Determination of Hesperidin and Naringin in Cough Granules
    BIAN Qing-quan, YANG Zhen-ping, WANG Xiu-feng, LUO Jin, HUANG Bao-mei, LI Meng, AI Xi
    2010, 46(7): 735-737.
    Abstract PDF
    Cyclic Voltammetric Determination of Aloin and Its Electrochemical Behavior at GCE
    WANG Cai-hong, LI Li, YAO Cheng-wei, HUANG Bao-mei
    2010, 46(7): 738-739.
    Abstract PDF
    Simultaneous GC Determination of Chlorothalonil,Triadimefon and Pyrethrin Pesticide Residues in Buckwheat
    CHEN Jian-rong, TIAN Wen-yu
    2010, 46(7): 740-742.
    Abstract PDF
    Analysis of Components of Surface Modifier for Inorganic additives
    SHANG Shu-xia
    2010, 46(7): 743-744.
    Abstract PDF
    HPLC Determination of Preservatives in Additive Liquor for Tobacco
    LI Hai-yan, XIAO Yan, WANG Shu-hua, HU Qiu-fen, CAI Ji-bao
    2010, 46(7): 745-747.
    Abstract PDF
    GC-MS Determination of Four Residual Organochlorine Pesticides in Chicken After Purification by Ultrafiltration
    MI Jie-bo, WANG Yun-feng, CHEN Qi-yong, CHANG Chun-yan, PENG Yang-si, GE Bao-kun
    2010, 46(7): 748-750.
    Abstract PDF
    XRFS Analysis for Composition of IC10 Alloy
    ZHANG Ji-min, TANG Xia
    2010, 46(7): 751-753.
    Abstract PDF
    Simultaneous HPLC Determination of Rutin and Quercetin in Branches of Sophora Aponica L.
    CHEN Hua-guo, JIN Fen-yun, ZHOU-Xin, ZHAO-Chao, GONG Xiao-jian
    2010, 46(7): 754-755.
    Abstract PDF
    Application of the Stationary Phase of Silica Gel Bonded with Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide)
    CUI Ying, ZHU Zhen-zhong, DONG Wei
    2010, 46(7): 756-759.
    Abstract PDF
    ICP-AES Determination of Trace Amount of Phosphorus in Flame-Retardant Fiber with Microwave Assisted Sample Digestion
    YANG Ming, LU Ping, LI Xiao-ge, ZHAO Hui-peng, LIU Xiao-yun
    2010, 46(7): 760-761.
    Abstract PDF
    GC-MS Determinatiom of Residual Amount of Dimethyl Fumarate in Packaging Film and Packaging Bag
    XU-Ning, ZHU Hong, CHEN Xiao-hong
    2010, 46(7): 762-764.
    Abstract PDF
    RP-HPLC Determination of Lactoferrin as Food Additive
    ZHANG Lin-tian, CHEN Xiao-xue, WEI Jian-hua, ZHANG Dong-hui, CHEN Jian-wei
    2010, 46(7): 765-766.
    Abstract PDF
    Application of the Algorithm of Subspace Ensemble Regression to Multivariate Calibration
    TAN Chao, QIN Xin
    2010, 46(7): 767-771.
    Abstract PDF
    Flow Injection Biamperometric Determination of Silymarin
    LIU Bin, YANG Bo-lun, SUN Jia-juan
    2010, 46(7): 772-774.
    Abstract PDF
    HG-AFS Determination of Arsenic in Human Hair
    LIU Bi-jun, WU Feng-chang, DENG Qiu-jing, MO Chang-li, FU Zhi-you, ZHU Jing, LI Wen
    2010, 46(7): 775-777.
    Abstract PDF
    IRS Analysis of Epimedium Macranthum and Ginseng Based on Fuzzy Pattern Recognition
    ZHANG Yong, XIE Yun-fei, ZHAO Bing, CONG Qian
    2010, 46(7): 778-780.
    Abstract PDF
    ICP-AES Determination of Trace Amounts of Si,Mn,P and Fe in the Vanadium-Aluminum Alloy
    CHENG Yong
    2010, 46(7): 781-783.
    Abstract PDF
    Simultaneous UV-Spectrophotometric Determination of Disodium 5′-inosinate and Disodium 5′-guanylate in Tasty Flavourings with Calibration by the Method of Principal Component Regression
    YE Shan
    2010, 46(7): 784-786.
    Abstract PDF
    ICP-MS Determination of Cu,As,Cd,Hg and Pb in Giant Knotweed
    SHEN Mei, ZHOU Zhi-feng, CHEN Ling-yun
    2010, 46(7): 787-788.
    Abstract PDF
    Preliminary Exploration on Correlationship Between the Contents of 6 Heavy Metal Elements in Chinese Traditional Herbs and in their Growing Soil
    LIU Dong-lian
    2010, 46(7): 789-792.
    Abstract PDF
    Determination of Arsenic in Traditional Chinese Medicines Honeysuckle and Panpax Notoginseng by Chronopotentiometric Stripping Analysis
    YANG Ran, CHAO Ya-nan, LI Jian-jun, QU Ling-bo
    2010, 46(7): 793-794.
    Abstract PDF
    ICP-AES Determination of Stibium in Lead-Antimony Alloy
    WANG Wei-yu
    2010, 46(7): 795-796.
    Abstract PDF
    HPLC Determination of Residual Amounts of Carbendazim,Thiabendazole,Thiophanate-methyl and Thiophanate in Orange
    GU Xue-ying, QIU Man-zhen, LIU Yun-zhu
    2010, 46(7): 797-799.
    Abstract PDF
    Voltammetric Determination of Trace Amount of Cobalt Using Silver Amalgam Solid Electrode Modified with Dimethylglyoxime
    YUAN Xing-yi, WEI Xiao-ping, LI Jian-ping
    2010, 46(7): 800-802.
    Abstract PDF
    Synchronous Fluorimetric Determination of Trace Amounts of Pyrene and Anthracene in Water with Micellar Sensitization
    WANG Han, CHI Yan-hua, SHANG Li-ping, ZHUANG Jia
    2010, 46(7): 803-806.
    Abstract PDF
    Rapid HPLC Determination of Phenol in Mainstream of Cigarette Smoke with Solvent Trapping
    SHI Hong-lin, XU Yi-ran, LI Yin-ke, HE Bin, JIN Yong-can, HU Qiu-fen
    2010, 46(7): 807-809.
    Abstract PDF
    Separation and Enrichment of Palladium(Ⅱ) by Solid Phase Extraction with Dibenzyl Sulfoxide
    HUANG Feng, HUANG Zhang-jie
    2010, 46(7): 810-812.
    Abstract PDF
    Rapid GC-MS Determination of BHC and DDT Residues in Soil After Purification by On-line Gel Permeation Chromatography
    PING Hua, LU An-xiang, ZHAO Liu, MA Zhi-hong, PAN Li-gang
    2010, 46(7): 813-815.
    Abstract PDF
    HPLC Determination of Residual Carbamate Pesticides in Fruits and Vegetables with On-line Post-column Derivatization and Fluorescence Detection
    CHENG Sheng-hua, TANG Bin, ZHENG Long, DING Li
    2010, 46(7): 816-819.
    Abstract PDF
    GC-MS Determination of 6 Diuretics in Tea Drink
    ZHAO Hai-xiang, GUO Zhen-fu, WANG Li-ping, YUAN Guang-yao, ZHAO Meng-bin, QIU Yue-ming
    2010, 46(7): 820-824.
    Abstract PDF
    HPLC Simultaneous Determination of Residual Amounts of Pesticides in Fruits and Vegetables with Solid Phase Extraction
    MA Li-li, ZHANG Cheng-cong, WU Xiao-bo, QU Tian-yao
    2010, 46(7): 825-828.
    Abstract PDF
    Adsorption of Cobalt(Ⅱ) in Waste Water with Chitosan Modified by Molecular Imprinting Technique
    XU Wen-feng
    2010, 46(7): 829-831.
    Abstract PDF
    GC-MS Determination of Volatile Organic Compounds on the Surface of Crop Seeds with Purge and Trap Collector
    HU Jing-ke, MA Jian-sheng
    2010, 46(7): 832-833.
    Abstract PDF
    On the Progress of Researches of Application of AAS to Food Analysis
    LIU Shu-bin, YUN Hai-li, FENG Jun-xia, YU Hong-wei
    2010, 46(7): 850-854.
    Abstract PDF
    On the Progress of Researches of Methods for Determination of Sulfur in Steel
    SHAO Xiao-dong, LIU Yang-qin, LI Ying, LI Fa-gen, LOU Qi
    2010, 46(7): 855-860.
    Abstract PDF