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    Classification of Animal and Vegetable Oils or Fats and Determination of Their Iodine Values by Near-Infrared Spectrometry
    CHENG Yu-xiao, XIAN Yang, MA Teng-zhou, ZHOU Yu-yan, MAO Ye-hui
    2013, 49(12): 1405-1409.
    Abstract PDF
    Determination of Heavy Metal Pb in Vegetables with Gold Nanoparticles
    JIANG Cai-yun, MA Mei-hua, YU Fang, TAO En-jin, YANG Ai-ping, LI Xiao-hua
    2013, 49(12): 1410-1413.
    Abstract PDF
    Determination of h-Immunoglobulin G by Gold Electrode Modified with Complex of Ni(Ⅱ) and Au Nanoparticles
    LIU Zhen, LAI Li-yan, YUAN Shuai, LIU Jie, LIU Ran
    2013, 49(12): 1414-1418.
    Abstract PDF
    Determination of Hypochlorite by Micro-sequential Injection-Chemiluminescence with Sensitization by 5-Sulfosalicylic Acid
    YU Ya-ling, SHEN Hong
    2013, 49(12): 1419-1422.
    Abstract PDF
    GC-MS(PCI) Determination of Amount of N-Nitrosamines Migrated from Infant Nipple
    YANG Rong-jing, WEI Bi-wen, GAO Huan, YU Wen-jia, GAO Peng
    2013, 49(12): 1423-1427.
    Abstract PDF
    CE Determination of Trigonelline in Rabbit Serum
    HUANG Duan-hua, ZHANG Yin-ping, ZHANG Lan
    2013, 49(12): 1428-1430.
    Abstract PDF
    Preparation of Multi-walled Carbon Nanotubes-Au Nanoparticles Modified GCE and Its Application to Determination of Kojic Acid
    MA Jian-chun, WANG Zhong-hui, KANG Yan-zhen
    2013, 49(12): 1431-1435.
    Abstract PDF
    On Conditions of Purification by Solid Phase Extraction in GC-MS Determination of 15 Kinds of Nitrobenzenes in Water and Sediments
    LI Li-rong, WANG Yan-li, DAI Tian-you, WEI En-qi
    2013, 49(12): 1436-1440.
    Abstract PDF
    Determination of Silicon in Cutting Slurry of Crystalline Silicon by PXRD
    YANG Guang, LI Xia-zhang, ZHOU Yong-sheng, YANG Yang
    2013, 49(12): 1441-1443.
    Abstract PDF
    Simultaneous Determination of Acrylamide and 3 Heterocyclic Amines in Cooked Food by LC-IT-TOF-MS with Accelerated Solvent Extraction
    OUYANG Yun-fu, JIN Yi, TANG Hong-bing, YAO Jin-ting, SHI Fei-yun
    2013, 49(12): 1444-1447.
    Abstract PDF
    Linear Scanning Polarographic Determination of Allopurinol
    ZHOU Yun-long, TUO Hong-gui
    2013, 49(12): 1448-1450.
    Abstract PDF
    HPLC Determination of Aristolochic Acid A in Cosmetic
    CAI An-rui, LI Qiong, WU Xiao-jian
    2013, 49(12): 1451-1453.
    Abstract PDF
    Head-Space GC Determination of Residual Amounts of Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene, m-Xylene and n-Hexane in Characteristic Agricultural Products
    LI Zi-wei, LIU Jun, OUYANG Yan, ZHU Ning
    2013, 49(12): 1454-1457.
    Abstract PDF
    Preparation of Carboxy-Succinyl-β-Cyclodextrin Microspheres Capillary Column and Its Application to GC
    LI Ying-jie, DING Li, Lv Ren-jiang, ZHANG Fu-xiang, XU Ting-ting, WU Jing
    2013, 49(12): 1458-1461.
    Abstract PDF
    AFS Determination of Mercury in Arsenic Ingot
    LI Yan-lin, LU Jian-ping, NI Hu-quan, TAN Fang-wei, SHI Jian-rong, TANG Yan-kui
    2013, 49(12): 1462-1464.
    Abstract PDF
    Resonance Rayleigh Scattering Spectrometric Determination of Rifampicin ——Based on Its Complex Reaction with Methyl Violet
    TAN Jian-hong, RAN Xiao-xi, JIANG Hong
    2013, 49(12): 1465-1467.
    Abstract PDF
    GC-MS Determination of Components in Particulate and Gaseous Matters of Mainstream Smoke of Cigarette
    LI Wei, WANG Jun-xia, ZHOU Hai-yun, KONG Hao-hui, ZENG Jin
    2013, 49(12): 1468-1474.
    Abstract PDF
    Single Scanning Polarographic Determination of Formaldehyde in Shrimps Enriched by Adsorption on Electrostatic Spinning Nanofibers
    ZHAO Dao-yuan, HUANG Chao-ji
    2013, 49(12): 1475-1478.
    Abstract PDF
    GC-MS/MS Determination of Polychlorinated Biphenyls in Water
    FAN Lei, HUANG Su-hua, TIAN Ting, HE Ri-an, ZHOU Hua-qiao, HUANG Ke-zun
    2013, 49(12): 1479-1482.
    Abstract PDF
    Resolution of Enantiomers of Famoxadone by HPLC with Chiral Stationary Phase
    CHEN Jian-bo, MAO Jian-wei, WU Ai-juan
    2013, 49(12): 1483-1485.
    Abstract PDF
    Head-Space GC Determination of Migrated Amount of Methyl Methacrylate from Products of PMMA
    MA Ming, QING Jiang, ZHOU Yun, ZHOU Yu-yan, SHEN Kang-jun
    2013, 49(12): 1486-1488.
    Abstract PDF
    Fluorophotometric Determination of Melamine in Feed Based on the Formation of the Complex Among Melamine Copper(Ⅱ) and Bovine Serum Albumin
    WENG Wen-ting, ZHANG Chun
    2013, 49(12): 1489-1492.
    Abstract PDF
    Study on Solubilization Effect of Microemulsion on the Color Reagents of Methyl Violet and Crystal Violet by Their Distribution Constants
    ZHANG Ying-qi, GAO Rui-fang, CUI Jing
    2013, 49(12): 1493-1495.
    Abstract PDF
    GF-AAS Determination of Trace Amount of Copper in Copper Tailings with Microwave Assisted Sample Digestion and Separation by Cloud Point Extraction
    ZHANG Chun-mei, WANG Xiao-kuan, YANG Xing-hua, YANG Xin
    2013, 49(12): 1497-1499.
    Abstract PDF
    Recent Progress of Researches on Methods for Determination of Trace Elements in Nickel-Based Superalloys
    MA Chong-xian, CHEN Zhong-ying, RUI Qi
    2013, 49(12): 1522-1531.
    Abstract PDF