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    Combination Reaction Between Molecules of DNA and 5-Br-PAN-S
    PAN Lu-ting, LI Lu, GAO Hong-wen, LUO Hua-fei
    2007, 43(10): 808-810.
    Abstract PDF
    Spectrophotometric Determination of Sodium Alginate by Decoloration of Some Basic Dyes
    WANG Xiang-hong, YANG Ji-dong, LIU Shao-pu
    2007, 43(10): 811-814.
    Abstract PDF
    Application of Bi-Column Gas Chromatography and Gas Chromatograpy in Hyphenation with Mass Spectrometry to the Detection of Residual Pesticides in Vegetables
    WU Yan, YANG Zhang-zhi, LIU Yong, CHENG Yang
    2007, 43(10): 815-817.
    Abstract PDF
    GC Determination of Residual Propargite and Pyridaben in Tea
    DING Hui-ying, XIE Wen, JIANG Xiao-ying, WU Juan, ZHU Yin-huan
    2007, 43(10): 818-820.
    Abstract PDF
    Electrochemical Behavior of Silicotungstic Acid Modified Ion-Sensitive Fieldistor (ISFET) Sensor Prepared with Sol-gel Technique
    LI Xian-wen, FENG Ya-fei
    2007, 43(10): 821-822.
    Abstract PDF
    Separation and Analysis of Organic Compounds in Atmospheric Dust Fall by Gas Chromatography Hyphenated with Mass Spectrometry
    YING Rong-jian, SONG Xing-liang, ZHU Hua-yu, ZHANG Cheng-tao
    2007, 43(10): 823-826.
    Abstract PDF
    Simultaneous Determination of Butyl-Tin Compounds by Single-Sweeping Oscillopolarography with PLS Multivariate Calibration
    LI Min, ZHANG Ke-rong, ZHENG Bo
    2007, 43(10): 827-829.
    Abstract PDF
    Catalytic Photometric Determination of Trace Amounts of Mercury in Water
    LIU Yong-he
    2007, 43(10): 830-832.
    Abstract PDF
    GFAAS Method for Determination of Pb in Phosphoric Acid Used as Food-Additive
    , , ,
    2007, 43(10): 833-834.
    Abstract PDF
    Simultaneous Determination of Nitrite,Nitrate,Chloride and Phosphate in Milk Powder by Ion Chromatography
    LI Liang, WANG Qing, JIANG Yong, ZHU Hui-fang, HUANG Wei-hua
    2007, 43(10): 835-837.
    Abstract PDF
    HPLC Determination of Several Residual Veterinary Medicines in Chicken
    LI De-liang
    2007, 43(10): 838-840.
    Abstract PDF
    FI-Photometric Determination of Volatile Phenols in Surface Water
    LUO Hong-de, GE Zhen-ping, YIN Jie, PAN Shuang-ye
    2007, 43(10): 841-843.
    Abstract PDF
    Determination of Dissolved Oxygen in Water by Micro-Weighing-Titration with a Polythene Capillary Burette
    CAI Cheng-xiang
    2007, 43(10): 844-846.
    Abstract PDF
    Determination of Ferulic Acid in “MAI-DANG-RU-TONG” Granules by High Performance Capillary Electrophoresis
    ZHU Miao-qin, WU Yong-jiang
    2007, 43(10): 847-848.
    Abstract PDF
    Electrocatalytic Oxidation of Sulfites by Acetylferrocene and Its Application to the Determination of Sulfites in Boiler Water
    GAO Zuo-ning, MA Jin-fu, XIONG Chu-ming
    2007, 43(10): 849-851.
    Abstract PDF
    Color-Fading Photometric Determination of Hydroxyl Free Radical and Anti-Oxidation Activity of Some Common Foodstuffs
    ZHANG Dong, LIU Zhi-jiang, GAO Jun-jie, YU Ping
    2007, 43(10): 852-854.
    Abstract PDF
    Determination of Potassium and Sodium in Borates by Differential Flame Photometry
    ZHANG Jin-ping, YANG Gang, LI Zuo-hu
    2007, 43(10): 855-857.
    Abstract PDF
    Determination of Metabolites of Nitrofuran in Sausage by Hyphenation of High Performance Liquid Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry in Tandem
    ZHANG Jing, PENG Xin-ran, WANG Xiang-jun, ZHANG Hui, HUANG Hai, ZANG Yong-jun
    2007, 43(10): 858-860.
    Abstract PDF
    ICP-AES Method for Determination of Eleven Elements in Cinders of Powes Plant
    SHI Jing-yan
    2007, 43(10): 861-862.
    Abstract PDF
    Simultaneous Spectrophotometric Determination of Rutin and Vitamin C in Rutin Compound Tablets with Wavelet Transform
    WANG Yan, XIANG Bing-ren
    2007, 43(10): 863-865.
    Abstract PDF
    Determination of 20 Elements in Silkworm Chrysalis,Scorpion and Sea Intestine By ICP-AES
    LI Shan
    2007, 43(10): 866-867.
    Abstract PDF
    Scanning TLC Determination of Lauromacrogol
    ZHANG Jia, LI Duo-wei, SUN Shi-qing, LINGHU Yu-wei
    2007, 43(10): 868-869.
    Abstract PDF
    Fluorospectrophotometric Determination of Folic Acid in Milk Powder and Urine Based on Simultaneous Potassium Permanganate Oxidation and Photochemical Reaction
    AN Hui-mei, JIA Rui, ZHU Ruo-hua
    2007, 43(10): 870-872.
    Abstract PDF
    FAAS Determination of Barium and Zinc in Lube Additives with Emulsion Sample Introduction
    LIU Li-xing, LIU Li-jun
    2007, 43(10): 873-874.
    Abstract PDF
    Progress of Methods of Determination of Chromium(Ⅵ)
    PENG Su-biao, CAI Hui-hua
    2007, 43(10): 890-894.
    Abstract PDF
    Progress of Application of Instrumental Methods to the Analysis of Aluminum Silicate Refractories
    XU Hong-zhi, CHEN Zhi-wei
    2007, 43(10): 895-900.
    Abstract PDF