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    Resonance Rayleigh Scattering of the Reaction System Between Acriflavine Hydrochloride and DNA and Its Analytical Application
    XU Hong, LIU Shao-pu, LUO Hong-qun
    2010, 46(1): 5-7.
    Abstract PDF
    Preparation and Characterization of the Complex of CdTe Quantum Dots Coupled with Sulfanilamide
    ZHU Kui, Lv Lei, LI Jin-gui, DING Shuang-yang
    2010, 46(1): 8-12.
    Abstract PDF
    Inspection of Minocycline by the Fluorescence-Microscopic Imagery with the Ca(Ⅱ)-ion Sensitized Minocycline Fluorescence Reaction System
    YANG Le, LIU Ying, ZHOU Shan-shan
    2010, 46(1): 13-16.
    Abstract PDF
    Square Wave Polarographic Determination of Cationic Surfactants with Cd(Ⅱ) as Indicative Ion
    JIANG Xiao-jun, SUN Ting, ZHANG Xiao-li
    2010, 46(1): 17-19.
    Abstract PDF
    Determination of Five Metal Elements in Salvia Miltiorrhiza by AAS and AFS
    LI Yin-bao, ZHANG Dao-ying, PENG Xiang-jun, CHENGGENG Jin-sheng, YU Lei, LI Qing-song
    2010, 46(1): 20-21.
    Abstract PDF
    GC-MS Determination of Ethanol in Blood with Auto-headspace Sample Introduction
    ZHOU Zhi-feng, CHEN Ling-yun, SHEN Mei, MA An-de, ZOU Fei
    2010, 46(1): 22-24.
    Abstract PDF
    HPLC Determination of Sodium n-Alkylbenzenesulfonates in Whole Blood
    XUE Yu-ying, ZHANG Shan-shan, TANG Meng, HIEDA Yoko, TAKESHITA Haruo
    2010, 46(1): 25-27.
    Abstract PDF
    Determination of Ammonia in Indoor Air of Museum by Ion Chromatography
    LI Jing, SHI Chao-ou, YING Ye, XIE Yu-lin, XU Fang-yuan, WU Lai-ming
    2010, 46(1): 28-31.
    Abstract PDF
    FAAS Determination of Manganese Ion in Water with Enrichment by Adsorption on Nano Barium Strontium Titanate Powder
    LIU Zhi-jiang, ZHANG Dong
    2010, 46(1): 32-33.
    Abstract PDF
    FAAS Determination of Iron in Chromium Plating Bath
    LI Zhuan-yang, MAO Ai-rong
    2010, 46(1): 34-35.
    Abstract PDF
    FAAS Determination Trace Amounts of Bismuth and Antimony in Crude Copper
    MA Li-jun
    2010, 46(1): 36-37.
    Abstract PDF
    Study on Electrochemical Behavior of Emodin by Cyclic Voltammetry
    DU Tian, NIU Ya-pin, QIAN Zong-yao, WANG Zhi-hai, LI Bing-qi, LIU Hong
    2010, 46(1): 38-40.
    Abstract PDF
    Simultaneous Determination of Salicylaldehyde and Phenol by DW-Spectrophotometry
    YAO Hong-liang, LI Fang-shi, DONG Jiang-shui
    2010, 46(1): 41-42.
    Abstract PDF
    ICP-AES Determination of Trace Elements in Different Parts of Crayfish with Microwave Assisted Sample Digestion
    YANG Ming, XI Yong-qing, ZHAO Hui-peng, LIU Xiao-yun, ZHA Liu-Sheng
    2010, 46(1): 43-45.
    Abstract PDF
    Simultaneous GC Determination of Degradation Products (Methylacrylate and Methanol) of the Copolymer of Ethylene and Methylacrylate
    LIANG Wei, JIANG Jun, SUN Kang, DOU Hong-jing
    2010, 46(1): 46-47.
    Abstract PDF
    GC-MS Determination of Co-existing Chemical Compounds in Methyl Tertiary Butyl Ether
    LI Guang-ke, YUAN Jin-peng, HOU Bao-hua
    2010, 46(1): 48-50.
    Abstract PDF
    Determination of Concentration of Solutions by the Compton Scattering Method
    LUO Guang, ZHOU Shang-qi
    2010, 46(1): 51-53.
    Abstract PDF
    Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of Shanlameiye Granules by HPLC Fingerprint Atlas
    OUYANG Ting, MAI Xi
    2010, 46(1): 54-56.
    Abstract PDF
    Rapid Spectrophotometric Determination of Saccharin Sodium Salt in Food
    XUAN Ya-wen, XIE Do-po, YI Wen-xin, WU Wen
    2010, 46(1): 57-58.
    Abstract PDF
    RP-HPLC Determination of Bromo-cyano-methybenzene in Soil
    WEI Gui-huan, ZHANG Hong-bin, XIA Li-feng
    2010, 46(1): 59-61.
    Abstract PDF
    On Methods of Sample Pretreatment in GFAAS Determination of Pb,Cd and Cu in Vivo Caryfish
    HUANG Xia, WANG Zhi-geng, YAO Cheng-hu, FANG Meng, WANG Zi-long
    2010, 46(1): 62-63.
    Abstract PDF
    Determination of Flash Point of Tributylstannane by the Closed Cup Flash Point Method
    JIANG Wei, WANG Hai-ting, CHEN Xiang, ZHU Hong-kun, ZHAO Yi-qing, CAI Xiao-feng
    2010, 46(1): 64-66.
    Abstract PDF
    GC Separation and Determination of n-Butanol and Benzene Homologues in Solvent-based Paint for Wooden Artides
    SHAO Hong-xia, LI Min, CHEN Min-xia, BAO Zhen-xin, ZHEN Shu-qian
    2010, 46(1): 67-68.
    Abstract PDF
    Py-GC-MS Analysis of Products in Smoke Released from Cigarettes During Smoking
    KONG Hao-hui, GUO Xuan-hua, SHEN Guang-lin
    2010, 46(1): 69-73.
    Abstract PDF
    Spectrophotometric Determination of Iodine in Table Salt by Oxidation Coloration of Benzidine
    LIU Ying-hong, MA Wei-xing, HH Qian, SHA Ou
    2010, 46(1): 74-75.
    Abstract PDF
    Determination of Saccharides in Food by Ion Exchange Chromatography with Integral Pulse Amperometric Detection
    FEI Dong, CHEN Mei-lan, ZHU Yan
    2010, 46(1): 76-78.
    Abstract PDF
    Use of ICP-AES in Phase Analysis of Molybdenum Ores
    SHI Xiao-ying
    2010, 46(1): 79-80.
    Abstract PDF
    FAAS Determination of Trace Elements in Chinese Herbal Medicines of the “Interior-warming” Category
    LI Li, WANG Cai-hong, ZHAO Chuan, YAO Cheng-wei, HUANG Bao-mei
    2010, 46(1): 81-83.
    Abstract PDF
    AAS Determination of Iron,Manganese,Zinc,Cadmium in Environmental Water Samples After Enrichment by Coprecipitaion with Cr(Ⅵ)-DDTC
    ZHU Xu-chu
    2010, 46(1): 84-86.
    Abstract PDF
    Progress of HPLC Analysis of Natural Phenols and Organic Acids
    XU Hong-yan, LIU Dao-jie, WANG Huai-sheng
    2010, 46(1): 101-104.
    Abstract PDF
    Recent Advance of Analysis of Immunoglobulin
    RONG Su-ying, WANG Qian, WANG Guang-zeng
    2010, 46(1): 105-108.
    Abstract PDF