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    GC-MS/MS Determination of Residual Amounts of 15 Pesticides in Water Samples with Low-Temperature Enrichment Liquid-Liquid Extraction
    XU Yu-e, WEI Yuan-long, ZUO Hai-gen, GUO Ping, ZENG Hai-long, WANG Feng-yun
    2015, 51(1): 1-5.
    Abstract PDF
    Detection of PETN on Latent Fingerprint by Laser Confocal Micro-Raman Spectroscopy
    SUN Zhen-wen, LIU Zhan-fang, QIAO Ting, ZHOU Hong, SUN Yu-you, QUAN Yang-ke
    2015, 51(1): 6-10.
    Abstract PDF
    Improvement on Gas Volumetric Method for Determination of Silicon
    ZHAI Xiao-dong, QU Yu-ling, YAN Ye
    2015, 51(1): 11-13.
    Abstract PDF
    Study on Pyrotechnics Material Selection Based on Differential Scanning Calorimeter
    YANG Ai-wu, YANG Chang-yin, HUA Qi
    2015, 51(1): 14-17.
    Abstract PDF
    Determination of DMF and DMAC in Textiles by Gas Solid Headspace Combined with GC
    MA Ming, SHEN Jie, ZHANG Zheng, ZHAO Jie, LIU Min-hua
    2015, 51(1): 18-21.
    Abstract PDF
    IC Determination of CaSO3·1/2H2O in Flue Gas Desulfurization Gypsum
    GUO Zhong-bao, XU Dan-hua, YUAN Qing-dan, MEI Yi-fei, MA Zhen-zhu
    2015, 51(1): 22-24.
    Abstract PDF
    GC Determination of 11 Chlorobenzenes in Aquaculture Water with Static Headspace
    HU Hong-mei, GUO Yuan-ming, LI Tie-jun, YOU Ju-ju, SUN Xiu-mei, ZHONG Zhi, HE Yi-na
    2015, 51(1): 25-30.
    Abstract PDF
    Determination of True Protein in Milk with Formaldehyde-Trichloroacetic Acid Precipitation-Kjeldahl Nitrogen
    XU Wei, NIE Si-ping, LI Jun, HU Yong, YANG Shun-yuan
    2015, 51(1): 31-34.
    Abstract PDF
    GC-MS Determination of 10 Preservatives in Cosmetics
    WANG Gai-xiang, ZHANG Lei, TANG Xiao-jun, ZHANG Suo-hui, ZHAO Xin, HU Guo-sheng*
    2015, 51(1): 35-38.
    Abstract PDF
    Simultaneous Determination of 6 Sugars in Tobacco by Ion Chromatography
    JIANG Zhen-ling, YU Wei-song, SUN Jian-hong, GAO Yun, YUE Heng, QIU Jun
    2015, 51(1): 39-41.
    Abstract PDF
    ICP-AES Determination of Silicon and Phosphorus in Ferroaluminum Manganese Alloy
    GENG Xin, CHEN Ke-zhong, SUN Peng, DOU Cheng, ZHU Xiao-ming
    2015, 51(1): 43-45.
    Abstract PDF
    HPLC Determination of Indole in Shrimp Meat and Its Products
    , , , , , ,
    2015, 51(1): 46-49.
    Abstract PDF
    GC Determination of Trace Ethanol Amine in the Amide Surfactant and Its Products
    LI Xiao-rui, YAO Chen-zhi, YAN Fang
    2015, 51(1): 50-53.
    Abstract PDF
    GC-MS Determination of Polychlorinated Hydrocarbons in Soil by Accelerated Solvent Extraction-on Line Purification
    ZHANG Li, ZHANG Chen-ling, ZHANG Yong-tao, LI Xiao-ya, ZHAO Guo-xing, TIAN Lai-sheng, GUI Jian-ye
    2015, 51(1): 54-56.
    Abstract PDF
    HPLC Determination of Sudan Dyes in Chilli Products with Purification by Gel Permeation Chromatography
    SHI Jun-wen, LIU Feng-zhi, ZHANG Yue
    2015, 51(1): 57-60.
    Abstract PDF
    Rapid Determination of the Major Chemical Components in Reconstituted Tobacco Sheet Pieces by Near-Infrared Spectrometry
    YUAN Da-lin, WANG Luo-ping, TANG Jian-guo, MOU Ding-rong, WU Hai-long, WANG Yi
    2015, 51(1): 61-65.
    Abstract PDF
    HPLC-MS/MS Determination of Residual Amounts of 8 Antibiotics in Waters of Drinking Water Source with Enrichment by Solid Phase Extraction
    SONG Zhan-feng, ZHU Ting-ting, PENG Sheng-hua
    2015, 51(1): 66-72.
    Abstract PDF
    Absorption Spectroscopy Method for Determination of Sodium Ferulic Acid with Methyl Violet as Probe
    TAN Jian-hong, PANG Xiang-dong, JIANG Hong
    2015, 51(1): 73-75.
    Abstract PDF
    Comparative Study of Ultrasonic and Soxhlet Extraction Methods for Tetrabromobisphenol A in Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene Copolymers
    JIANG Xia, HU Jin-ni, SHAN Chang-guo, WU Bo, YIN Kui-gang
    2015, 51(1): 76-78.
    Abstract PDF
    GC-MS Determination of Atrazine in Soil with Solid-Phase Extraction
    MA Jian-sheng, WANG Xin, LI Li-jun, WANG Hai-jiao, XIAO Gang, HU Jian-fei
    2015, 51(1): 79-81.
    Abstract PDF
    GC-MS Determination of Smelly Substances in Surface Water with Dispersive Solid-Phase Extraction
    YAN Hui-min, GU Hai-dong, XU Wen-ya, ZHANG Li-jun, ZHANG Lei, ZHANG Zhan-en
    2015, 51(1): 82-85.
    Abstract PDF
    Determination of Chromium(Ⅵ) Released from Ceramic Jewelry by Reversed-Phase HPLC
    ZHOU Gui-you, HOU Yan-fang, FENG Lin, YU Jian
    2015, 51(1): 86-90.
    Abstract PDF
    Application of the Modern Instrumental Analysis Techniques in the Detection of Hogwash Oil
    ZHOU Li-ying, CHANG Yun-zhi, ZUO Peng-fei, LI Gui-jing
    2015, 51(1): 125-130.
    Abstract PDF
    The Status and Progress of Gas Element Analysis of Inorganic Solid Materials
    LIU Pan, DU Li-li, TANG Wei, LI Zhi-ya
    2015, 51(1): 131-136.
    Abstract PDF