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    Application of Algorithms of Artificial Neural Network and Simulated Annealing to Simultaneous AAS Determination of Calcium and Phosphorus
    CHEN Guo-song, HUANG Zhao-xia, TANG Mei-hua, ZHANG Zhi-Yi
    2008, 44(7): 597-599.
    Abstract PDF
    Preparation of 6 Stainless Steel (Including a Dual-phase Stainless Steel) Correction Certified Reference Materials for AES and XRFS Analysis
    MA Chong-xian, QIAN Fang-hua, HUANG Shen-hua, WANG Yu-tao, JIANG Feng-hua
    2008, 44(7): 600-603.
    Abstract PDF
    Fluorospectrophotometric Properties of the Products of Binding Reaction Between Bovine Serum Albumin and Antibiotics of Large Ring Lactones
    WANG Feng, HUANG Wei, TANG Bo
    2008, 44(7): 604-607.
    Abstract PDF
    GC Determination of Volatile Phenols in Industrial Waste Water
    QIN Fan-xin, ZHANG Ming-shi, CHEN Wen-sheng, WU Di
    2008, 44(7): 608-610.
    Abstract PDF
    Hyphenated GC-MS Determination of Chemical Components in Volatile Oil of Michelia Champaca L.
    LIU Yan-qing, WANG Hong-wu
    2008, 44(7): 611-613.
    Abstract PDF
    Photometric Determination of Roxithromycin and Midecamycin
    JIANG Hong, WANG Chao
    2008, 44(7): 614-616.
    Abstract PDF
    Determination of Concentration of Gaseous Formaldehyde
    ZHANG Xiao-feng
    2008, 44(7): 617-619.
    Abstract PDF
    FAAS Determination of 5 Metal Elements in a Traditional Chinese Medicine“Ba-yue-zha” with Microwave Assisted Sample Digestion
    YE Jin- hua, LIN Peng, DING Ye-chun, LI Hong-liang
    2008, 44(7): 620-621.
    Abstract PDF
    Hyphenated GC-MS Determination of Volatile Constituents in Flos Sophaoae
    LI Yu-mei, Lv Yuan-qi, GUO Feng
    2008, 44(7): 622-623.
    Abstract PDF
    Identification of Inflammable Liquids (Ethanol,Ether and Acetone) in Debris of Fire Scene by Hyphenated GC-MS with SPME
    DENG Zhen-yu, TIAN Gui-hua, FAN Zi-lin
    2008, 44(7): 624-626.
    Abstract PDF
    Catalytic-Kinetic Photometric Determination of Nitrite in Pickles with Micro-Wave Assisted Sample Digestion
    CHEN Yu-jing, WANG Yu-bao, JIANG Hua, TANG Qing-hua
    2008, 44(7): 627-628.
    Abstract PDF
    Separation of Gold(Ⅲ) by Extraction with the System of NaCl-KI-Propanol
    ZHANG Xiu-lan, MA Wan-shan, LIU Zhi-juan, ZHANG Xiao-jing
    2008, 44(7): 629-631.
    Abstract PDF
    GC Determination of Nopinic Acid in the Products of Its Synthesis
    JIN Jian-zhong, ZHOU Zhong-shi, SHEN Tu-chao, WANG Zhi-min, CHEN Wei-qing
    2008, 44(7): 632-633.
    Abstract PDF
    Optimization of Wavelength in the Direct UV-Spectrophotometric Determination of Nitrate
    TANG Ci-lai, ZHANG Zeng-qiang, ZHANG Yong-tao, WANG Xue-you
    2008, 44(7): 634-636.
    Abstract PDF
    Determination of 23 Residual Pesticides in Vegetables by Gel Permeation Chromatographic Purification and Capillary Gas Chromatography
    LI Ji-ge, NING Jing-heng, ZHOU Kai
    2008, 44(7): 637-639.
    Abstract PDF
    Determination of Tetramine in Biological Samples by HPLC
    LI Yan-xia, LIN Dan, WANG Xian-qin, HU Guo-xin, HU Shu-ping
    2008, 44(7): 640-642.
    Abstract PDF
    ICP-AES Determination of Microamounts of Hafnium in Zr-U Alloy with Standard Addition Calibration
    HOU Lie-qi, LI Jie, LU Ju-sheng
    2008, 44(7): 643-644.
    Abstract PDF
    HG-AFS Determination of Tin and Lead in Aluminum
    LI Jin, SHEN Ming-le
    2008, 44(7): 645-646.
    Abstract PDF
    HPLC Simultaneous Determination of Chlorogenic Acid and Baicalin in Shuanghuanglian Preparations
    CHEN Xiong-quan, LI Lai-sheng, YANG Han-rong
    2008, 44(7): 647-649.
    Abstract PDF
    FI-Chemiluminescence Determination of Famotidine
    HE Shu-hua, HE De-yong
    2008, 44(7): 650-652.
    Abstract PDF
    FT-IR Spectrometric Testing of Paraffin in Butter Used in Chafing Dishes
    ZHOU Ying, CHEN Ya-lin, ZHANG Xue-kue
    2008, 44(7): 653-654.
    Abstract PDF
    Solvent Floatation of Mercury(Ⅱ) as a Ternary Association Complex and Its Application to Photometric Determination of Traces of Mercury(Ⅱ) in Water
    CHENG Yong-hua, Lv Peng-fei, CHEN Ting-yu, LI Chun-xiang, YAN Yong-sheng
    2008, 44(7): 655-657.
    Abstract PDF
    Correction of Matrix Effect in XRFS Analysis of Manganese Ores by Using the Theoratical α Coefficient
    WANG Qian, LIN Li, ZHU Li-hui, YING Xiao-hu
    2008, 44(7): 658-660.
    Abstract PDF
    Spectrophotometric Determination of Trace Amounts of Palladium(Ⅱ) Based on Its Catalytic Effect on the Oxidative Decoloration of Methyl Thymol Blue by Potassium Periodate
    FAN Run-zhen
    2008, 44(7): 661-663.
    Abstract PDF
    ICP-AES Determination of Phosphorus,Copper and Silicon in Ferro-molybdenum
    LIU Jing-xian, XU Huai-yu
    2008, 44(7): 664-665.
    Abstract PDF
    GF-AAS Determination of Lead in Whole Blood
    XIAO Jie, CAI Xiao-bin, ZHANG Chun-he, XIONG Min
    2008, 44(7): 666-667.
    Abstract PDF
    Simultaneous DW-Spectrophotometric Determination of 3 Flavonoids in Magnolia Grandiflora L.with K Coefficient
    LIU Yu-feng, LI Yong-mei, LI Ping, LI Bin, ZHU Wen-ping
    2008, 44(7): 668-669.
    Abstract PDF
    Kinetic-Polarographic Determination of Trace Amounts of Iron(Ⅲ) Based on Its Inhibition Effect on the Oxidative Decoloration of Methyl Orange by Potassium Bromate
    LI Yan-xia, LI Zhan-ling, WANG Jin-zhong
    2008, 44(7): 670-672.
    Abstract PDF
    Determination of Residual Carbendazol,Imidacloprid and Thiophanate Methyl in Fruits and Vegetables by HPLC
    LIU Wen-jie, WAN Ying, PAN Xin-an, ZHANG Li-li
    2008, 44(7): 673-674.
    Abstract PDF
    Determination of the Banned Pigment SudanⅠ-Ⅳ Red and Para Red in food Stuffs by HPLC
    HU Dong-sheng
    2008, 44(7): 675-677.
    Abstract PDF
    Voltammetric Determination of Horseradish Peroxidase with 1-Naphthylamine as Substrate
    WANG Tong, XUE Shu-yun, LIU Hui-luan, SHANG Qian
    2008, 44(7): 678-680.
    Abstract PDF
    FAAS Determination of Iron and Manganese in Sea Water with Co-precipitation Enrichment and Micro-quantity Sample-introduction
    ZHU Xu-chu, GU Ying
    2008, 44(7): 681-682.
    Abstract PDF
    Recent Progress on the Application of Cloud Point Extraction to the Analysis of Environmental Organic Pollutants
    YU Yi-jun, SUN Zhao-hai, XIAN Qi-ming, YU Hong-xia
    2008, 44(7): 696-700.
    Abstract PDF