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    HPLC Determination of Gatifloxacin in Whole Blood
    CHEN Xiao-hong, LI Xiao-ping, YAO Xun-ping
    2009, 45(1): 4-6.
    Abstract PDF
    Simultaneous Voltammetric Determination of Dopamine and Ascorbic Acid with Polyglycine Modified Carbon Black Microelectrode
    DENG Pei-hong, ZHANG Jun, LI Ju-nan
    2009, 45(1): 7-10.
    Abstract PDF
    GFAAS Determination of Microamounts of Antimony Eroded from Glass Hollow Wares
    ZHANG Lin, DING Run-ming, CHEN Xin, WANG Chang-zhao, ZHANG Xin-zhi
    2009, 45(1): 11-13.
    Abstract PDF
    Identification of Category of Blank Gel Pen Ink by TLC
    WANG Zhi-yong, WANG Bing-juan, ZOU Hong
    2009, 45(1): 14-15.
    Abstract PDF
    Electrochemical Behavior of “Ornidazole” at the Multi-wall Carbon Nanotube Paste Electrode and Its Determination
    ZHENG Li
    2009, 45(1): 16-18.
    Abstract PDF
    Interaction of Indigo Disulfonate and Bovine Serum Albumin
    WANG Feng, HUANG Wei
    2009, 45(1): 19-21.
    Abstract PDF
    Single-sweeping Oscillopolarographic Determination of Ceftazidine in Injections
    LI Yan-xia, WANG Yun-sheng, LIU Bo
    2009, 45(1): 22-24.
    Abstract PDF
    Photometric Determination of Polysaccharides in Ferula Sinkiangensis
    DENG Wei-ping, XIE Cheng-xi, ALKEN Aimier
    2009, 45(1): 25-26.
    Abstract PDF
    Application of Micro-Fluidic Splittering Technique to GC-MS Determination of Naphthalene in Heavy Aromatics
    WANG Hong-wei, WANG Hua, ZHANG Xiao-dong, WANG Ai-guo, LU Cai-xia
    2009, 45(1): 27-29.
    Abstract PDF
    HPLC Determination of Terpineols in Products of Deep Processing of Terpentine Oil
    WEI Zhi-ming, LAI Kai-ping, YE Yi-qiang, WANG Gui-ying, YANG Hong-quan
    2009, 45(1): 30-31.
    Abstract PDF
    Pre-column Derivatization-GC Determination of Trace Amounts of Phenol in Water After Separation by Micro-wave Heated Extraction
    TAN Xiao-yan, LI Guo-lan, LI Song, ZHAO Ying, WANG Juan
    2009, 45(1): 32-34.
    Abstract PDF
    IR-Spectrometric Determination of 2,6-Di-tert.-butyl-p-cresol in Aviation Lubricating Oil and Hydraulic Press Oil
    LIU Jie, SHEN Hong-bin, CAO Wen-jie, WANG Shu-lei
    2009, 45(1): 35-36.
    Abstract PDF
    FI-CL Determination of Benzylpenicillin
    SHI Wen-bing, YANG Ji-dong, JIANG Hong, ZHANG Jun
    2009, 45(1): 37-39.
    Abstract PDF
    Determination of Organo-phosphorous Pesticides in Water Using Dynamic Liquid Phase Micro-extraction Hyphenated With Gas Chromatography
    JIAO Lin-juan, HE Shu-qin
    2009, 45(1): 40-41.
    Abstract PDF
    Evaluation of Uncertainty in Measurement of Volume of Solution in Chemical Analysis
    WEN Xiang-dong, CAO Hong-yan
    2009, 45(1): 42-45.
    Abstract PDF
    GC Determination of 3 Residual Fungicides in Peach with Matrix Solid Phase Dispersion of Sample
    ZHU Xue-liang, QI Xiang-yang, LIU Chuan-ju, LI Hui-hui, LIU He-sheng, CAO Pin-bao, WANG Jing
    2009, 45(1): 46-48.
    Abstract PDF
    ICP-AES Determination of Trace Amounts of Lead in Anti-cancer Traditional Chinese Medicines Prepared from Animals
    LIU Dong-lian
    2009, 45(1): 49-51.
    Abstract PDF
    Simultaneous Determination of Lactic Acid and Volatil Fatty Acids in Ox Rumen Juice by Ion Chromatography
    Mu Hao-jie, MENG Qing-xiang, REN Li-ping, WANG Li
    2009, 45(1): 52-54.
    Abstract PDF
    HPLC Determination of Formaldehyde in Aquatic Products by Pre-derivatization with unsym.-Dimethyl Hydrazine
    ZHANG Yan-feng, GUO Zhi-an, ZHAO Jing-chan, ZHANG Yong-ke, HAN Bing
    2009, 45(1): 55-57.
    Abstract PDF
    Determination of Trace Elements in Pollen by FAAS with Suspension Sample Introduction
    LIANG Bao-an, FU Hua-feng
    2009, 45(1): 58-60.
    Abstract PDF
    Determination of Methyl Esters of Fatty Acids in Peanut Oil by Capillary Column-Gas Chromatography
    XIE Ming-sheng, ZHU Ling, LI Jin-biao
    2009, 45(1): 61-62.
    Abstract PDF
    On the Testing of the Flame Retardant,Polybromated Diphenyl Ether in ABS Plastics
    XU Hua, FANG Neng-hu, WEI Bi-wen, MIAO Jun-wen, ZHENG Yi
    2009, 45(1): 63-65.
    Abstract PDF
    Simultaneous Determination of Protein and Fat in Milk Powder by FTIRS
    ZHOU Yong-guo, HOU Wen-long, YANG Yue-dong, ZHAO Yong-guang
    2009, 45(1): 66-69.
    Abstract PDF
    Application of Photometric Analysis of Blood Stain to Evidence Analysis
    HU Qiu-luan, LIU Ji-wei, FENG Ai-qing, CHEN Wei
    2009, 45(1): 70-72.
    Abstract PDF
    Choice of Working Condition of Instrument in HG-AFS Determination of Trace Amounts of Arsenic
    LI Xue-wen, JIN Lan-shu, LI Hui-jie, Lin Guo-lin
    2009, 45(1): 73-74.
    Abstract PDF
    Rapid Determination of Phosphorus and Calcium in Milk Powder
    YANG Lin, ZHOU Kai, YAO Chun-hua, PAN Lei-ming
    2009, 45(1): 75-76.
    Abstract PDF
    Use of Multi-Channel γ-Spectrometer in the Determination of 226Ra in Phosphate Ore
    JIN Shao-xiang, CHEN Zhong-shu, HE Tian-lun
    2009, 45(1): 77-78.
    Abstract PDF
    GC-MS Determination of Flavour in Tobacoo-Comparative Study of Extraction Methods of Tobacoo Flavour
    QU Guo-fu, LU She-ming, MENG Zhao-yu, ZHAN Jia-fen, DING Zhong-tao, MIAO Ming-ming
    2009, 45(1): 79-81.
    Abstract PDF
    Determination of Trace Amount of B in High Purity Si by ICP-MS Using Microwave Assisted Dissolution
    CHENG Yong
    2009, 45(1): 82-84.
    Abstract PDF
    GC-MS Determination of Residual Endosulfan and Chlorpyrifos in Aquatic Products
    GAO Hua-peng, YU Xue-jun, SHEN Wei-jun, LI Yong-fu, LI Zuo-qing
    2009, 45(1): 85-87.
    Abstract PDF
    GC Determination of ·OH Free Radical and Its Scavenging Action
    WANG Bing-juan, LU Qing, ZOU Hong
    2009, 45(1): 88-90.
    Abstract PDF
    GC Determination of Phenols in Water with Liquid-phase Microextraction
    CHANG Qing, SHEN Xian-tao, WANG Jia, ZHU Li-hua
    2009, 45(1): 91-93.
    Abstract PDF
    GC Determination of Acrylates in Air
    BU Wei, LI Jiang
    2009, 45(1): 94-95.
    Abstract PDF
    FAAS Determination of Microamounts of Metal Elements in Coal and Coal-based Activated Carbon
    WANG Jian-cheng
    2009, 45(1): 96-97.
    Abstract PDF
    Comparison of Methods of Determination of Boron in Steel by Spectrophotometry and by Flame AAS
    PENG Jian, LU Jian-ping, WANG Yi-lin, MO Li-shu
    2009, 45(1): 98-100.
    Abstract PDF
    GF-AAS Determination of Lead,Cadmium and Cobalt in Daily Necessities
    FAN Xiao-yan, Hao Na
    2009, 45(1): 101-102.
    Abstract PDF
    Recent Advance of Application of Capillary Electrophoresis to the Analysis of Residual Presticides in Foodstuffs
    CHU Qing-cui, GENG Cheng-huai, LIN Miao, YE Jian-nong
    2009, 45(1): 114-118.
    Abstract PDF
    Eliciation of Quality Control of Cigarette Production by the Fingerprint Spectra of Chinese Traditional Medicines
    HUANG Ying-feng, YANG Jun, GUO Wei-qiang, CHEN Heng-wu, HE Qiao-hong, LI Gui-hua, CHENG Wei-na
    2009, 45(1): 119-124.
    Abstract PDF