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    UHPLC-MS/MS Determination of Seven Aminophenols in Hair Dyes
    YU Wen-lian, ZHAO Kai-jing, SUN Xin, DU Zhen-xia
    2010, 46(3): 220-223.
    Abstract PDF
    Determination of Trace Amount of Thallium(Ⅰ) by Photochemical Catalytic Kinetics
    WU Xiao-jing, WANG Xu-dong, SHU Li-ping, GUO Qi-chang
    2010, 46(3): 224-226.
    Abstract PDF
    GC-MS Determination of Pyrethroid Pesticides in Water Samples with Hollow Fibrous Membranes-Liquid Phase Micro-extraction
    LI Gang, ZHANG Zhan-en
    2010, 46(3): 227-229.
    Abstract PDF
    GF-AAS Determination of Lead in Propolis with Microwave Assisted Sample Digestion
    FU Wen-yan
    2010, 46(3): 230-231.
    Abstract PDF
    FI-Amperometric Determination of Traces of Nitrite with Glassy Carbon Electrode Modified by Poly-Neutral Red Film
    WU Hui-qing, SU Yao-dong, WANG Min
    2010, 46(3): 232-234.
    Abstract PDF
    Linear Scanning Polarographic Determination of Metformin Hydrochloride
    ZHOU Yun-long, WU Lin-hua, HU Zhi-biao, TUO Hong-guo
    2010, 46(3): 235-237.
    Abstract PDF
    GFAAS Determination of Trace Amount of Antimony in Food Packing Material with Cloud Point Extraction
    CHEN Yi-fan, Lv Hong-wei, LI Hou-bin
    2010, 46(3): 238-240.
    Abstract PDF
    GC-MS Determination of Trifluoro-Acetic Acid in Water Sample
    XIANG Xu-wei, SHEN Zhi-qun, ZHENG Gang, WU Peng
    2010, 46(3): 241-243.
    Abstract PDF
    HG-CV-AFS Determination of Mercury in Copper Concentrates
    Lv Xiao-hua, SONG Wu-yuan
    2010, 46(3): 244-245.
    Abstract PDF
    Potentiometric Titration by the Equi-potential Interval Method
    FENG Jun-xian, QIE Wen-juan, ZHANG Ru-chun, SU Hong-ru, SONG Li-ying
    2010, 46(3): 246-248.
    Abstract PDF
    HPLC Determination of m-Methoxy Thiophenol
    CHEN Yu-liang, LIAO Zu-tai, ZHOU Ting-ting, LIN Wen-wei
    2010, 46(3): 249-250.
    Abstract PDF
    GC Determination of Residual Endosulfan in Grains with Separation by Accelerated Solvent Extraction
    JIANG Hui, JIN Yu-xia, LIU Wen-jie
    2010, 46(3): 251-253.
    Abstract PDF
    Determination of Nitrite with the Modified Electrode of YbHS/MWCNT′s/GCE
    LUO Su-xing, WU Yuan-hui, GOU Hua
    2010, 46(3): 254-256.
    Abstract PDF
    GF-AAS Determination of Platinum in Human Plasma
    WANG Shi-liang, YE Hong-yang, MA Xiao-qin, XU Yuan-yuan, CHU Chen-ding
    2010, 46(3): 257-259.
    Abstract PDF
    GC Determination of Residual Organic Solvents in Food Packaging Materials with Solid Phase Microextraction
    QIN Jin-ping, GAO Jun-wei, XU Chun-xiang, XU Dong-yu
    2010, 46(3): 260-262.
    Abstract PDF
    GF-AAS Determination of Arsenic in Banknote Printing Ink with Microwave Assisted Sample Digestion
    ZHANG Lin, ZHAO Jian, WANG Chang-zhao, CAI Yan, ZHANG Xin-zhi
    2010, 46(3): 263-265.
    Abstract PDF
    Simultaneous Determination of COD and BOD of Waste Water by NIRS
    YANG Qiong, HU Rong, ZHANG Shu-ran, YANG Ji-dong
    2010, 46(3): 266-269.
    Abstract PDF
    Study on Interaction of 3,5-Dibromo-salicylaldehyde-taurine Schiff Base with Bovine Serum Albumin by Fluorospectrophotometry
    LIU Zheng, XIA Jin-hong, LIU Bao-yu, JIN Li-xia
    2010, 46(3): 270-272.
    Abstract PDF
    Resolution of Enantiomers of Cefadroxil by HPLC using Mobile Phase with Added Chiral Additive
    SU Li-qiang, GAO Yu-ling, ZHANG Xiao-lin
    2010, 46(3): 273-275.
    Abstract PDF
    Determination of Residual Amounts of Organochloring Pesticides in Tobacco and in Cigarette Smoke by Capillary Column-Gas Chromatography
    LI Yue-hua, HE Chao, FANG Yi-ping, HUANG Hai-tao, LI Gan-peng
    2010, 46(3): 276-278.
    Abstract PDF
    XRFS Determination of 22 Elements (Additive or Worn Metals) in Lubricant Oil
    ZHOU Tian-long, GONG Jian-qiang, LI Hong-ju, QI Gao-yang, TANG Fang, ZHENG Jiang-ning
    2010, 46(3): 279-282.
    Abstract PDF
    RP-HPLC Determination of N-{3-[3-(Dimethylamino)-1-oxo-2-propenyl]-phenyl} Acetamide and Its Interrelated Substances
    LI Ke-yan, HUANG Rong-qing, XIAO Bing-kun, YANG Jian-yun, LI Liang, DUAN Wei-hua
    2010, 46(3): 283-285.
    Abstract PDF
    FI-Chemiluminescence Determination of Caffeic Acid
    LIAO Wei, LUO Hong-qun, LI Nian-bing
    2010, 46(3): 286-288.
    Abstract PDF
    Application of the Dynamic Trimagnetic Field-Zeeman Effect Background Correction to GF-AAS Determination of Lead in Blood Samples
    XIA Wei-weng, YANG Yi
    2010, 46(3): 289-291.
    Abstract PDF
    HPLC-MS Determination of Residual Amounts of 30 Sulfonylurea Herbicides in Tea
    ZHOU Ping-yong, ZHAN Chun-rui, LI Hai-yan, GUO Ping
    2010, 46(3): 292-295.
    Abstract PDF
    Spectrophotometric Determination of Anti-oxidation Capacity of Extract of Dangguibuxuetang Decoction and the 2 Componental Single Medicinal Herbs
    SUN Yue, LIANG Hua-zhong, ZHAN Xiao-li
    2010, 46(3): 296-299.
    Abstract PDF
    GC-MS Determination of Microamounts of Organic Chemical Compositions in Nacre Powder of Hyriopsis Cumingii Lea
    HUANG Fu, DENG Chen-mao, FU Shao
    2010, 46(3): 300-302.
    Abstract PDF
    ICP-AES Detemination of 12 Metal Elements in Used Lubrication Oil
    YANG Gui-zhen, YANG Jian-nan, CHEN Wei-zhen
    2010, 46(3): 303-306.
    Abstract PDF
    Speciation Analysis of Astragalus Membranaceus for Its Trace Elements
    LIU Dong-lian
    2010, 46(3): 307-309.
    Abstract PDF
    NIRS Determination of Calcium and Magnesium in Cigarette Paper
    SONG Yi, LIU Wei, YANG Wei-hua, YUAN Ru-hong, DING Zhong-tao
    2010, 46(3): 310-312.
    Abstract PDF
    Electrochemical Behavior of Luteolin and Application to Its Determination
    QU Ling-bo, ZHAO Jun-hong, YANG Ran, LI Jian-jun
    2010, 46(3): 313-316.
    Abstract PDF
    ICP-AES Determination of 15 Metal Elements in Cation Exchange Resin
    LI Hua, MA Yan, XIAO Yan
    2010, 46(3): 317-319.
    Abstract PDF
    CV-AFS Determination of Mercury in the Water-Purifying Agent-Poly Aluminum Chloride
    ZHAO Lu
    2010, 46(3): 320-321.
    Abstract PDF
    Applications of Salicylic Acid to Determination of the Hydroxyl Free Radical
    GUAN He-lan, WANG Yong-shun, LIN Guo-hua
    2010, 46(3): 333-335.
    Abstract PDF
    Progress of Research on Chemiluminescene Enzyme Immunoassay
    SHA Xu-zheng, ZHOU Ying-quan
    2010, 46(3): 336-340.
    Abstract PDF